Banci, K., Eterovic, A., Rosa, L., & Marques, O. (2025). Vivendo no lado escuro? Atividade plástica no grupo Bothrops jararaca
(Serpentes, Viperidae). Amphibia-Reptilia (publicado online antes da impressão em 2025).
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Fellone, A. Rangel, F. and Marques, O.A.V. Predation of a Jararaca Lancehead, Bothrops jararaca (Wied-Neuwied, 1824),
by a Yellow Cururu Toad, Rhinella icterica (Spix, 1824), in Atlantic Forest, southeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes,
Volume 17: 859–861 (2024)
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Banci, K., Siqueira, L., Torello-Viera, N., & Marques, O. (2024). Differential predation pressure on island pit vipers
shapes their niches and defensive behavior. Amphibia-Reptilia (published online ahead of print 2024).
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Ramalho, R.A., Costa. H.C. and Almeida-Santos, S.M.. Revisiting the Green Ameiva,
Ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758), corpse bride: dead bodies tell stories. Herpetology Notes, volume 17: 251-258 (2024).
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Almeida-Santos, S.M., Cunha, A.L.S. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. Male-male combat in free-ranging Epicrates
crassus Cope, 1862 from South America. Herpetology Notes, volume 17: 229-231 (2024).
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Maciel, Erica da Silva, Zieri, R., & de Almeida-Santos, S. M. (2024). Male genital system of Ameiva ameiva
(Squamata: Teiidae). The Anatomical Record, 1–10.
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Garani, Yan & Costa, Henrique & Rodrigues-Neto, Adão & Duarte, Silvia & Santos,
Selma. (2024). First in-situ record of courtship and mating in Neuwied’s Lancehead, Bothrops neuwiedi
Wagler, 1824. Herpetology Notes. 17. 221-223.
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Alves-Nunes, J.M., Fellone, A., Almeida-Santos, S.M. et al. Study of defensive behavior of a venomous
snake as a new approach to understand snakebite. Sci Rep 14, 10230 (2024).
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Siqueira, L.H.C., Piantoni, C., and MARQUES, O.A.V. Geographic variation
in the probability of being born with and retaining contrasting tail tip colour (tail luring) in the Common Lancehead
Bothrops jararaca. Canadian Journal of Zoology. e-First
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Garcia, V. C. & Almeida-Santos, S. M. (2024). Reproductive cycles of two island pitvipers species
(Serpente, Viperidae) determined by ultrasonography and radiography. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 53, e13038, p. 1-9.
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Migliore SN, Ramalho RA, Araújo GS, Almeida-Santos SM. Cycle of the sexual segment of the kidney: histological insights into the role of the urinary tract in the
reproduction of male Notomabuya frenata. Zoology 162, 126146.
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Alves-Nunes, J.M.; Adriano Fellone, A. and Marques, O.A.V.. Food preference for native and invasive
prey in the naive lancehead pitviper. Biotropica. 2024;00:e13321. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13321.
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Jared, C., de Barros Filho, J. D., Jared, S. G. S., Alexandre, C., Mailho-Fontana, P. L., Almeida-Santos, S. M., & Antoniazzi, M. M. (2023). Peering into the unknown world of amphisbaenians (Squamata, Amphisbaenia): A summary of the life history of Amphisbaena alba. Acta Zoologica, 00, 1–12.
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Kasperoviczus, K.N.; Braz, H.B.; Amorim, L.G.S. and Almeida-Santos, S.M.. Reproductive Strategies of the Golden Lancehead, Bothrops insularis, from Queimada Grande Island. Islands and Snakes. Harvey B. Lillywhite and Marcio Martins, Oxford University Press. © Oxford University Press 2023. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780197641521.003.0003
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Silva, K. M. P., Almeida-Santos, S. M. ., Bravo-Vega, C. A., & Sasa, M. (2023). Sexual maturity of Bothrops asper (Serpentes: Viperidae) from Costa Rica. Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology, 22(1), 75-80.
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Khouri RS, Almeida-Santos SM, Fernandes DS. Reproductive maturity and sexual dimorphism of a population of Amerotyphlops brongersmianus from a Restinga area in southeastern Brazil (Serpentes: Typhlopidae). Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2023 Oct;306(10):2610-2620. doi: 10.1002/ar.25191. Epub 2023 Mar 8. PMID: 36883757.
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Jurkfitz, R.C., Silva, K.M.P. & Almeida-Santos, S.M. Sperm storage in Crotalus durissus (Serpentes: Crotalinae): histological insights about the female reproductive tract of pit vipers. Zoomorphology 142, 487–496 (2023).
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Guia brasileiro de produção, manutenção ou utilização de animais em atividades de ensino ou pesquisa científica / Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal. -- 1. ed. -- Brasília: Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, 2023.
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Garcia, V. C., Amorim, L. G. d. S., Esteves, R. G., Carvalho‐e‐Silva, A. M. P. T., & Almeida‐Santos, S. M. (2023). Ultrasonographic and radiographic evaluation of gestation in golden lanceheads (Bothrops insularis) in ex situ breeding programs. Zoo Biology, 1–5.
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ANZAI, R.K.; ELEUTERIO, N.F.; LIMA, T.O.; MANFIO, R.H. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Pelvic spur use during courtship and mating in the red-tailed boa Boa constrictor
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MARQUES, O.A.V and MARTINS, M.B.. A potential mimic of the venomous dipsadid snake Philodryas olfersii. The Herpetological Bulletin 166, 2023: 18–20.
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Alves-Nunes JM, Fellone A, Sazima I, Vuolo Marques OA (2023) Overcoming the phantoms of the past: Influence of predatory stimuli on the antipredator behavior of island pitvipers. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0288826.
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SIQUEIRA, L.H.C.; PIANTONI, C. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. Sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic variation in the head shape of
two neighbouring populations of the common lancehead Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes: Viperidae), Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society, 2023.
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Oguiura, N.; Sanches, L.; Duarte, P.V.; Sulca-López, M.A.; Machini, M.T. Past, Present, and Future of Naturally Occurring
Antimicrobials Related to Snake Venoms. Animals 2023, 13, 744.
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Marinho P.S., Chinchilla J.E.O., Braz H.B., Almeida-Santos S.M. 2022. Effects of pregnancy on the body
temperature ofthe South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, in southeastern Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology
23: 67–74.
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BANCI, K.R.S.; GUIMARÃES, M.; SIQUEIRA, L.H.C.; MUSCAT, E.; SAZIMA, I.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Body shape and diet reflect arboreality
degree of five congeneric snakes sympatric in the Atlantic forest. Biotropica. 2022;00:1–13.
DOI: 10.1111/btp.13107
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ARAÚJO, G.S.A.; RAMALHO, R.A.; MARQUES, O.A.V. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. First record of male-male combat and
courtship in the brown vine snake Oxybelis aeneus. The Herpetological Bulletin 162, 2022: 45–46. Natural History Note.
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SIQUEIRA, L.H.C.; PIATONI, C. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. Morphological variation in the common lancehead
populations: Sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic patterns. Zoological Society of London. 2022. doi:10.1111/jzo.13015
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. Dark gaping - presumed independent origin for a remarkable warning signal in four
Neotropical snake species. The Herpetological Bulletin 162, 2022: 26–29.
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DI-NIZO, C. B. ; SUAREZ-VILLOTA, E. Y. ; SILVA, M. J. J. Species limits and recent diversification of Cerradomys
(Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini) during the Pleistocene. PeerJ, v. 10, p. 1/e13011-30, 2022.
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Banci, K.R., Guimarães, M., Siqueira,L.H., Muscat, E., Sazima, I. & Marques, O.A. (2022). Body shape and diet reflect
arboreality degree of five congeneric snakes sympatric in the Atlantic forest. Biotropica, 00, 1–13.
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GARCIA, V.C.; AMORIM, L.G.S.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. Morphological and structural differences between the hemipenes and hemiclitores of golden lancehead snakes, Bothrops insularis (Amaral, 1922), revealed by radiography. ANATOMIA, HISTOLOGIA, EMBRYOLOGIA (INTERNET), 2022.
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Oguiura, N.; Corrêa, P.G.; Rosmino, I.L.; de Souza, A.O.; Pasqualoto, K.F.M. Antimicrobial Activity of Snake β-Defensins and Derived Peptides. Toxins 2022, 14, 1. 14010001
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Costa, B.M.; Souza, E. and Almeida-Santos, S.M.. Mating up in the trees: a new reproductive behaviour in Bothrops
jararaca (Serpentes: Viperidae). Herpetology Notes, volume 14: 1199-1202 (2021).
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Garcia, VC; Prado, CVGB; Almeida-Santos, SM.. Uso da acupuntura como método auxiliar na Doença de Paget na serpente Bothrops insularis. Revista Brasileira de Acupuntura Veterinária, vol.6, n.4, p.52. Ed. Verão, dez.2021/mar.2022. ISBN 978-65-89908-24-1
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BANCI K.R.S., BATISTA S.F., and MARQUES O.A.V.. PHILODRYAS OLFERSII (Lichtenstein’s Green Racer). REPRODUCTIVE AGGREGATION. Natural History Notes. Herpetological Review 52(4), p. 881, 2021
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BANCI K.R.S., MORAIS G.F. and SIQUEIRA L.H.C.. DIPSAS MIKANII (Brazilian White-collared Slug Eater). AMELANISM. Natural History Notes. Herpetological Review 52(4), p. 870, 2021
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Batista SF, Sawaya RJ, Marques OAV. The role of spatial heterogeneity in diversity of squamate reptiles in the Atlantic Forest highlands of southeastern Brazil. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2021 Oct 22;93(4):e20191522. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765202120191522. PMID: 34705936.
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Batista, Silara & Muniz-da-Silva, Diego & Santos, Selma. Dominant and submissive behaviour in the rattlesnake Crotalus durissus under semi-natural conditions. Herpetological Bulletin. 157. 21-24. 10.33256/hb157.2124. 2021.
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GARCIA, V.C.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive cycles of neotropical boid snakes evaluated by ultrasound. ZOO BIOLOGY, v. 40, p. 1-10, 2021.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Biologia reprodutiva das jararacas brasileiras. In: Toledo LF (org.). Herpetologia Brasileira Contemporânea. Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetologia, p. 106-121. 2021.
CASTRO, F.C.; SOUZA, S.N.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; MIYAJI, K.T. and DE MEDEIROS, C.R.. Bites by Philodryas olfersii and Philodryas aestiva in São Paulo, Brazil: A retrospective observational study of 155 cases. Toxicon.
SILVA, K.B.; FREDIANI, M.H.; ANGRIMANI, D.S.R.; COETI, R.Z.; PEREIRA, R.J.G.; NICHI, M.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Zoo Biology. Short‐term cold storage of seminal samples of the golden lancehead pitviper (Bothrops insularis).
ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; SANTOS, T. and LOBO, L.M.. Mating in free-ranging Neotropical rattlesnakes, Crotalus durissus: Is it risky for males?. Herpetology Notes 14: 225–227.
ABRAHÃO, C.R.; AMORIM, L.G.; MAGALÃES, A.M.; AZEVEDO, C.R.; GRISI-FILHO, J.H.H. and DIAS, R.A.. Extinction risk evaluation and population size estimation of Bothrops insularis, a critically endangered insular pitviper species of Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology 19: 32–39.
COETI, R.Z.; ANTONIAZZI, M.M.; SÁNCHEZ, R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. Sperm storage in coral snakes: A spermatozoa ultrastructural approach. Zoologischer Anzeiger 290: 49-57.
GARCIA, V.C.. Acidentes com animais peçonhentos – Identificação, prevenção e tratamento. Boletim Técnico ABRAVAS, Ano V - Mai/2021 - nº 58.
SIQUEIRA L.H.C., BANCI K.R.S. and MARQUES O.A.V. 2021. Seasonal activity of Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes, Viperidae): optimizing foraging while avoiding predators. South American Journal of Herpetology 20: 67 - 74.
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LOTTO NP, DE ALBUQUERQUE MODESTO JC, SANT’ANNA SS, GREGO KF, GUARNIERE MC, LLIRA DA SILVA RM, et al. (2021) The absence of thrombin like activity in Bothrops erythromelas venom is due to the deletion of the snake venom thrombin-like enzyme gene. PLoS ONE 16(4): e0248901.
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BATISTA, S.F., SCARTOZZONI, R.R. and MARQUES O.A.V.. Food habits and substrate use by the South American xenodontine snake Erythrolamprus frenatus, with comments on its brightly-coloured venter. Herpetology Notes, volume 13: 405-409 (2020).
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Banci KRS, Eterovic A, Marinho PS, Marques OAV. Being a bright snake: Testing aposematism and mimicry in a neotropical forest. Biotropica. 2020;52:1229–1241.
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Correa PG, Maria DA. The Relationship of Cell Cycle Phases and Embryonic Development of Bothrops Snakes. Arch Biochem Mol Biol 10 (2020): 001-016.
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Coeti RZ, Silva KB, Puorto G, Travaglia-Cardoso SR, Almeida‐Santos SM. Semen collection and evaluation in Micrurus corallinus. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 2020.
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de Souza E, Almeida‐Santos SM. Reproduction in the bushmaster (Lachesis muta): Uterine muscular coiling and female sperm storage. Acta Zoologica. 2020.
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Braz HB. Helicops gomesi. Diet and Reproduction. Herpetological Review 51(4):866-867. 2020.
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Braz HB, Scartozzoni RR. Thamnodynastes strigatus (Coastal House Snake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 51(4): 880. 2020.
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Cubides-Cubillos SD, Patané JSL, Silva KMP, Almeida-Santos SM, Polydoro DS, Galassi GG, Travaglia Cardoso SR, Silva MJJ. Evidence of facultative parthenogenesis in three Neotropical pitviper species of the Bothrops atrox group. PeerJ 8: e10097. 2020.
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Garcia VC, Navas-Suárez PE, Fonseca-Pinto ACBC, Unruh SM, Knöbl T, Vac MH, Momo C, Lugo MAA, Catão-Dias JL, Almeida-Santos SM. Enterococcus faecalis causes osteitis deformans in a Golden Lancehead snake (Bothrops insularis): a case report. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci. 57(4): e163926. 2020.
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Almeida-Santos SM, Coeti RZ, Bassi EA. Reproductive strategies of New World coralsnakes. In: Silva Jr. NJ, Aird SD (org.). Reproductive Strategies of New World Coralsnakes. Minas Gerais: Editora PUC de Minas Gerais, p. 335-352. 2020.
Risk JY, Cardoso JLC, Sueiro LR, Almeida-Santos SM. Coralsnake Accidents and the Instituto Butantan. In: Silva Jr. NJ, Aird SD (org.). Reproductive Strategies of New World Coralsnakes. Minas Gerais: Editora PUC de Minas Gerais, p. 677-702. 2020.
Salles‐Oliveira I, Machado T, Banci K, Almeida‐Santos, SM, Silva, MJ. Genetic variability, management, and conservation implications of the critically endangered Brazilian pitviper Bothrops insularis. Ecology and Evolution. 2020.
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Barros VA, Rojas CA, Almeida-Santos SM. Biologia reprodutiva das serpentes jararacas: ciclos e comportamentos, dimorfismo e maturidade sexual. Novas Edições Acadêmicas. 173 p. 2020.
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Silva KMP, Braz HB, Kasperoviczus KN, Marques OAV, Almeida-Santos SM. Reproduction in the pitviper Bothrops jararacussu: large females increase their reproductive output while small males increase their potential to mate. Zoology 142: 125816. 2020.
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Loebens L, Almeida-Santos SM, Cechin SZ. Reproductive biology of the sword snake Tomodon dorsatus in South Brazil: comparisons within the tribe Tachymenini. Amphibia-Reptilia 41: 1-15. 2020.
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Migliore SN, Mendes A, Braz HB. Placosoma glabellum. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 51(2): 334-335. 2020.
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Migliore SN, Braz HB. Ecpleopus gaudichaudii. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 51(2): 330-331. 2020.
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Silva KMP, Barros VA, Rojas CA, Almeida-Santos SM. Infundibular sperm storage and uterine muscular twisting in the Amazonian lancehead, Bothrops atrox. Anatomical Record 303:3145-3154. 2020.
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Khouri RS, Almeida-Santos SM, Fernandes DS. Anatomy of the reproductive system of a population of Amerotyphlops brongersmianus from southeastern Brazil. The Anatomical Record 303: 2485-2496. 2020.
Marinho PS, Sueiro LR, Almeida-Santos SM. An unusual copulation of Dipsas alternans in Atlantic Forest, Southeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes 13:207-210. 2020.
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Migliore SN, Braz HB, Gasparotto V, Dias R, Almeida-Santos SM. Trachylepis atlantica (Noronha skink). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 51: 132-133. 2020.
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Muniz-da-Silva DF, Passos J, Siegel DS, Almeida-Santos SM.. Caudal oviduct coiling in a viperid snake, Crotalus durissus. Acta Zoologica 99: 1-9. 2020.
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GARCIA, V.C.; UNRUH, S.M. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Identification of microchips through diagnostic imaging helps to determine the longevity of the golden lancehead (Bothrops insularis) in captivity. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.72, n.1, p.281-284, 2020.
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GARCIA, V.C.; NAVAS-SUÁREZ, P.E.; FONSECA-PINTO, A.C.B.C.; UNRUH, S.M.; KNOBL, T.; VAC, M.H.; MOMO, C.; ARIAS LUGO, M.A., CATÃO-DIAS, J.L., ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. and BRAZ, H. (2020). Enterococcus faecalis causes osteitis deformans in a Golden Lancehead snake (Bothrops insularis): a case report. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 57(4), e163926.
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Salles-Oliveira I, Machado T, Banci KRS, Almeida-Santos SM, Silva MJJ. Genetic variability, management, and conservation implications of the critically endangered Brazilian pitviper Bothrops insularis. Ecol. Evol.2020;00:1–13.
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Guilardi MD, Jayat P, Weksler M, Patton JL, Ortiz PE, Almeida K, Silva MJdJ. 2020. A review of Euryoryzomys legatus (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae): morphological redescription, cytogenetics, and molecular phylogeny. PeerJ 8:e9884
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DI-NIZO, CB; FERGUSON-SMITH, MA and SILVA, MJJ.. Extensive genomic reshuffling involved in the karyotype evolution of genus Cerradomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini). Genet. Mol. Biol. 2020, vol.43, n.4, e20200149. DOI:
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Cubides-Cubillos SD, Patané JSL, Silva KMP, Almeida-Santos SM, Polydoro DS, Galassi GG, Travaglia Cardoso
SR, Silva MJJ. Evidence of facultative parthenogenesis in three Neotropical pitviper species of the Bothrops atrox group. 2020. PeerJ 8:e10097
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Prezoto BC and Oguiura N. Factor XII-Deficient Chicken Plasma as a Useful Target for Screening of Pro- and Anticoagulant Animal Venom Toxins. Toxins 2020, 12, 79; doi:10.3390/toxins12020079
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CORRÊA, P.G.. Monitoramento e Estudos moleculares de ovos de serpentes do gênero Bothrops. 2019
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Rojas CA, Barros VA, Almeida-Santos SM.. A histological and ultrastructural investigation of the female reproductive system of the water snake (Erythrolamprus miliaris): oviductal cycle and sperm storage. Acta Zoologica 100: 69-80. 2019.
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Braz HB.. Micrurus corallinus (Coral Snake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 50: 395. 2019.
MONTES, E.; FERICHE, M.; SUEIRO, L.R.; ALAMINOS, E. and PLEGUEZUELOS, J.M. Reproduction ecology of the recently invasive snake Hemorrhois hippocrepis on the island of Ibiza. Current Zoology 66(4): 363-371. 2019.
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SILVA, K.M.P.; BARROS, V.A.; ROJAS, C.A. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Infundibular sperm storage and uterine muscular twisting
in the Amazonian lancehead, Bothrops atrox. Anatomical Record. 2019;1–10.
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SILVA, K.M.P.; SILVA, K.B., K.B.; SUEIRO, L.R.; OLIVEIRA, M.E.E.S. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive Biology of Bothrops atrox (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae) from the Brazilian Amazon. Herpetologica, 75(3), 2019, 198–207.
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MARTINS, M.; SAWAYA, R.J.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. The Queimada Grande Island and its Biological Treasure- The Golden Lancehead. In: Harvey B. Lillywhite and Marcio Martins. (Org.). ISLAND AND SNAKES - ISOLATION AND ADAPTIVE EVOLUTION. 1ed.Estados Unidos: Oxford University Press, 2019, v. 1, p. 117-138.
AMORIM, L.G.S.; SANTOSAZEVEDO, W.; AZEVEDO, C.R. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. First record of mating of Bothrops insularis (Serpentes: Viperidae) in nature,with comments on sexual behavior. HERPETOLOGY NOTES, v. 12, p. 225-227, 2019.
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LOEBENS, L.; HENDGES, C.D.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. and CECHIN, S.Z.. Morphological variation and sexual dimorphism in two sympatric dipsadine snakes from Southern Brazil. ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, v. 280, p. 49-51, 2019.
GUEDES, T.; GUEDES, A. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Male-male fighting, dominance, and mating in Epicrates assisi (Serpentes:Boidae) in captivity. PHYLLOMEDUSA, v. 1, p. 131-135, 2019.
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BASSI, E.A.; COETI, R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive cycle and sperm storage of female coral snakes, Micrurus corallinus and Micrurus frontalis. AMPHIBIA-REPTILIA, v. 1, p. 1-15, 2019.
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BATISTA, S.F.; FACURE, K.G. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. First record of mammal consumption by Erythrolamprus miliaris. How wide is the diet of this water snake?. Herpetology Notes, volume 12: 713-715 (2019).
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BRAZ, H.B.; KASPEROVICZUS, K.N. and GUEDES, T.B.. Reproductive Biology of the Fossorial Snake Apostolepis gaboi (Elapomorphini): A Threatened and Poorly Known Species from the Caatinga Region. South American Journal of Herpetology, 14(1), 2019, 37–47.
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OLIVEIRA, Y.S., CORRÊA, P.G., OGUIURA, N., Beta-defensin genes of the Colubridae snakes Phalotris mertensi, Thamnodynastes hypoconia, and strigatus, Toxicon, Volume 146, 2018, Pages 124-128, ISSN 0041-0101,
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CORRÊA, P.G., PUORTO, G., RABELO, D.C., ALVES, R.C.B. and MARIA, D.A.. Evaluation of the oxidative stress using biomarker malondialdehyde in atretic eggs of brazilian snakes from Bothrops genus. Estudo da herpetofauna brasileira. Capítulo 3. 2018.
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ARAOZ, A.C.C.; GARCIA, V.C.; PINTO, C.M. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Deworming protocols of island snakes kept in capitivity at the Instituto Butantan. Archieves of Veterinary Science, 23: 35-42, 2018.
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MUNIZ-DA-SILVA, D.F.; PASSOS, J.; SIEGEL, D.S. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Caudal oviduct coiling in a viperid snake, Crotalus durissus. Acta Zoologica, 99: 1-9, 2018.
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BRAZ, H.B.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; MURPHY, C.R. and THOMPSON, M.B.. 2018. Uterine and eggshell modifications associated with the evolution of viviparity in South American water snakes (Helicops spp.). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 330(3), 165-180.
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BASSI, E.A.; OLIVEIRA, C.; BRAZ, H.B. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. 2018. How Does Oocyte Uptake Occur? A Macroscopic Study of the Ovarian and Oviductal Modifications for Egg Capture in the Coral-Snake. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 1: 1-8
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CORRÊA, P.G.; PUORTO, G.; RABELO, D.C.; ALVES, R.C.B. and MARIA, D.A.. Estudo da Herpetofauna Brasileira. Organizadora Daiane Patricia Oldiges. – Ponta Grossa (PR): Atena Editora, 2018.
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SIQUEIRA, L.H.C. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. Effects of Urbanization on Bothrops jararaca Populations in São Paulo Municipality, Southeastern Brazil. Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 52, No. 3, 299–306, 2018.
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PIZZATTO, L.; OLIVEIRA, J.L.; MARQUES, O.A.V and MARTINS, M.. Body Shape and Food Habits of South American Goo-Eater Snakes of the Genus Sibynomorphus. Herpetology Notes, volume 11: 825-828, 2018.
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GUEDES, T.B.; SAZIMA, I. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. Does swallowing a toad require any specialisation? Feeding behaviour of the dipsadid snake Philodryas nattereri on the bufonid toad Rhinella jimi. Herpetology Notes, volume 11: 825-828, 2018.
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ARAOZ, A.C.C.; GARCIA, V.C.; PINTO, C.M. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Protocolos de vermifugação de serpentes de ilha mantidas em cativeiro no Instituto Butantan. v.23, n.3, p.35-42, 2018.
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OLIVEIRA, Y.S.; CORRÊA, P.G. and OGUIURA, N.. Beta-defensin genes of the Colubridae snakes Phalotris mertensi,Thamnodynastes hypoconia, and T. strigatus. Toxicon 146, 124 e 128, 2018.
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PREZOTO, B.C.; TANAKA-AZEVEDO, A.M.; MARCELINO, J.R.; TASHIMA, A.K.; NISHIDUKA, E.S.; KAPRONEZAI, J.; MOTA, J.O.; ROCHA, M.M.T.; SEVARINO-SILVA, C. and OGUIURA, N.. A functional and thromboelastometric-based micromethod for assessing crotoxin anticoagulant activity and antiserum relative potency against Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. Toxicon 148, 26e32, 2018.
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BANCI, K.R.S.; CUNHA, A.L.S. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. Philodryas aestiva (Brazilian Green Racer). habitat use and defensive behavior.. Herpetological Review 49(1), 2018.
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CANTINHA, R.S.; BORRELY, S.I.; OGUIURA, N.; PEREIRA, C.A.B.; RIGOLONA, M.M. and NAKANOA, E.. HSP70 expression in Biomphalaria glabrata snails exposed to cadmium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 140 (2017) 18–23.
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SUÁRES-VILLOTA, E.Y.; CARMIGNOTTO, A.P.; BRANDÃO, M.V.; PERCEQUILLO, A. R. and SILVA, M.J.J.. Systematics of the genus Oecomys (Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini): molecular phylogenetic, cytogenetic and morphological approaches reveal cryptic species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, XX, 1–29.
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HAUZMAN, E.;BONCI, D.M.O.; SUÁREZ-VILLOTA, E.Y.; NEITZ, M. and VENTURA,D.F.. Daily activity patterns influence retinal morphology, signatures of selection, and spectral tuning of opsin genes in colubrid snakes. 2017. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17:249. DOI 10.1186/s12862-017-1110-0.
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DI-NIZO, C.B.; BANCI, K.R.S.; KUWABARA, Y.S.K. and SILVA, M.J.J.. Advances in cytogenetics of Brazilian rodents: cytotaxonomy, chromosome evolution and new karyotypic data. 2017. Comparative Cytogenetics 11(4): 833–892. https://doi. org/10.3897/CompCytogen.v11i4.19925
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COETI, R.Z. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Micrurus corallinus reproduction. Herpetological Review 48 (4), 2017.
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ROJAS, C.A.; BARROS, V.A. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. A histological and ultrastructural investigation of the female reproductive system of the water snake (Erythrolamprus miliaris): Oviductal cycle and sperm storage. Acta Zoologica. 2017, 1–12.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; SILVA K.M.P. and BERTANI, R.. Hundred legs good, two fangs better: adult centipede (Scolopendridae) devoured by a juvenile Amazon lancehead, Bothrops atrox (Viperidae). ACTA AMAZONICA. VOL. 47(2) 2017: 171 - 174.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; BARROS, V.A. and ROJAS, C.A.. Mating plugs and male sperm storage in Bothrops co ara (Serpentes, Viperidae) 2017. Herpetological Journal. Volume 27, 115–119.
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TORELLO-VIERA, N.F. and MARQUES, O.A.V.. Daily Activity of Neotropical Dipsadid Snakes. South American Journal of Herpetology, 12(2), 2017, 128–135.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; BARROS, V.A.; ROJAS, C.A. SUEIRO, L.R. and NOMURA, R.H.C.. Reproductive Biology of the Brazilian Lancehead, Bothrops moojeni (Serpentes, Viperidae), from the State of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. 2017. South American Journal of Herpetology, 12(2), 174–181.
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LOEBENS, L.; ROJAS, C.A.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. and CECHIN, S.Z.. Reproductive biology of Philodryas patagoniensis (Snakes: Dipsadidae) in south Brazil: Female reproductive cycle. 2017. Acta Zoologica. 1–10.
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BARROS, V.A.; ROJAS, C.A. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Is rainfall seasonality important for reproduc ve strategies Herpetological Society in viviparous Neotropical pit vipers? A case study with Bothrops leucurus from the Brazilian Atlan c Forest. 2017. Herpetological Journal, volume 27, 115–119.
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BANCI, K.R.S.; TORELLO-VIERA, N.F.; FREITAS, A.C. and MARQUES, O.A.V.M.. Feeding on elongate prey: additional data for the coral snake Micrurus corallinus (Merrem, 1820) (Elapidae) and comments on aposematism. 2017. Herpetology Notes, volume 10: 335-338.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; COETI, R.Z.; BRAGA, P.A. and SAZIMA, I..A rotten choice: feeding attempt by a coral snake (Micrurus frontalis) on a dead pitviper (Bothrops jararaca) that had swallowed a bulky rodent. 2017. Herpetology Notes, volume 10: 137-139.
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FUKUSHIMA, C.S.; BERTANI, R..Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of Avicularia Lamarck, 1818 (Araneae, eraphosidae, Aviculariinae) with description of three new aviculariine genera. 2017. ZooKeys 659: 1–185.
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BORGES, L.M.; CONRADO, M.R. and BERTANI R.. Predation of the snake Erythrolamprus almadensis (Wagler, 1824) by the tarantula Grammostola quirogai Montes De Oca, D’Elía & Pérez-Miles, 2016. Herpetology Notes, volume 9: 321-322 (2016).
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LOEBENS, L.; CECHIN, S.Z.; THEIS, T.F.; MOURA, L.B.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive biology of Philodryas patagoniensis (Snakes: Dipsadidae) in south Brazil: male reproductive cycle. 2016. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–11.
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BRAZ, H.B.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Tail-first ingestion of prey by the false coral snake, Erythrolamprus aesculapii: Does it know where the tail is?. 2016. Salamandra 52 (2): 211–214.
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BRAZ, H.B.; SCARTOZZONI, R.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive modes of the South American water snakes: A study system for the evolution of viviparity in squamate reptiles. 2016. Zoologischer Anzeiger 263: 33–44.
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OLIVEIRA, L.; SCARTOZZONI, R.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; JARED, C.; ANTONIAZZI, M.M.; SALOMÃO, M.G.. Morphology of Duvernoy's Glands and Maxillary Teeth and a Possible Function of the Duvernoy's Gland Secretion in Helicops modestus Günther, 1861 (Serpentes: Xenodontinae). 2016. South American Journal of Herpetology, 11(1):54-65.
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STENDER-OLIVEIRA, F.; MARTINS, M.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Food Habits and Reproductive Biology of Tail-Luring Snakes of the Genus Tropidodryas (Dipsadidae, Xenodontinae) from Brazil. 2016. Herpetologica, 72(1), 73–79.
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VIALA, V.L.; HILDEBRAND, D.; FUCASE, T.M.; SCIANI, J.M.; PREZOTTO-NETO, J.P.; RIEDNER, M.; SANCHES, L.; NISHIMURA, P.J.; OGUIURA, N.; PIMENTA, D.C.; SCHLüTER, H.; BETZEL, C.; ARNI, R.K.; SPENCER, P.J.. Proteomic analysis of the rare Uracoan rattlesnake Crotalus vegrandis venom: Evidence of a broad arsenal of toxins. 2015. Toxicon 107, 234-251.
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HOYOS, M.A.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; ROJAS, C.A.. A suture method to optimize the condition of snake specimens in herpetological collections. 2015. Herpetological Review 46(1):27-29.
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SIQUEIRA, M.R.S.; CAVALHERI, D.G.; COETI, R.Z.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. The sexual attractiveness of the corpse bride: unusual mating behaviour of Helicops carinicaudus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae). 2015. Herpetology Notes.
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PARPINELLI, L.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Reproductive Biology and Food Habits of the Blindsnake Liotyphlops beui (Scolecophidia: Anomalepididae). 2015. South American Journal of Herpetology, 10(3), 205–210.
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SILVA, K.B.; ZOGNOB M.A.; CAMILLOC A.B.; PEREIRA R.J.G; ALMEIDA-SANTOS S.M.. Annual changes in seminal variables of golden lanchead pitvipers (Bothrops insularis) maintained in captivity. 2015. Animal Reproduction Science 163: 144–150.
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DI-NIZO, C.B.; VENTURA, K.; FERGUSON-SMITH, M.A.; O’BRIEN, P.C.M.; YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.; SILVA, M.J.d.J.. Comparative Chromosome Painting in Six Species of Oligoryzomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) and the Karyotype Evolution of the Genus. 2015. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117579. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0117579.
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GARCIA, V.C.; VAC, M.H.; BADIGLIAN, L. & ALMEIDA-SSANTOS, S.M.. Avaliação ultrassonográfica do aparelho reprodutor em serpentes vivíparas da família Boidae. 2015. Pesq. Vet. Bras. 35(3):311-318.
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KASPEROVICZUS, K.N.; KRUGER, A.C.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. An elongated meal: the tegu lizard Salvator merianae eats snakes and amphisbaenians. 2015. Herpetology Notes, volume 8: 21-23.
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BARROS, V.A.; ROJAS, C.A. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS S.M.. Is rainfall seasonality important for reproduc ve strategies Herpetological Society
in viviparous Neotropical pit vipers? A case study with Bothrops leucurus from the Brazilian Atlan c Forest. 2014. Herpetological Journal, volume 24, 67–75.
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BARROS, V.A.; ROJAS, C.A. and ALMEIDA-SANTOS S.M.. Reproductive Biology of Bothrops erythromelas from
the Brazilian Caatinga. 2014. Advances in Zoology, volume 2014, Article ID 680861, 11 pages
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COSTA, B.A.; SANCHES, L.; GOMIDE, A.B.; BIZERRA, F.; DAL MAS, C.; OLIVEIRA, E.B.; PEREZ, K.R.; ITRI, R.; OGUIURA, N.; HAYASHI.. Interaction of the Rattlesnake Toxin Crotamine with Model Membranes. 2014. J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 5471−5479.
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DI-NIZO, C.B.; NEVES, C.L.; VILELA, J.F.; SILVA, M.J.J.. New karyologycal data and cytotaxonomic considerations on small mammals from Santa Virgínia (Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Atlantic Forest, Brazil). 2014. Comparative Cytogenetics, v. 8, p. 11-30.
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MACHADO, T.; SILVA, V.X.; SILVA, M.J.J.. Phylogenetic relationships within Bothrops neuwiedi group (Serpentes, Squamata): geographically highly-structured lineages, evidence of introgressive hybridization and Neogene/Quaternary diversification. 2014. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (Print), v. 71, p. 1-14.
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TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R.; PUORTO, G.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Elapomorphus quinquelineatus (five-lined burrowing snake): Feeding on squamate eggs. 2014. The Herpetological Bulletin 129, 28-29.
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MUNIZ-DA-SILVA, D.F.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. 2014 (dated 2013). Male-male ritual combat in Spilotes pullatus (Serpentes: Colubrinae). 2014. Herpetological Bulletin 126: 25-29.
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SILVA, K.M.P.; SUEIRO, L.R.; GALASSI, G.G.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reprodução de Bothrops spp. (Serpentes, Viperidae) em criadouro conservacionista. 2014. Veterinária e Zootecnia 20(4): 632-642.
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MIGLIORE, S.N.; BRAZ, H.B.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive aspects of two Enyalius from the Atlantic forest in Southeastern Brazil. 2014. Herpetology Notes 7: 273-276.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; BRAZ, H.B.; SANTOS, L.C.; SUEIRO, L.R.; BARROS, V.A.; ROJAS, C.A.; KASPEROVICZUS, K.N.. Biologia reprodutiva de serpentes: recomendações para a coleta e análise de dados. 2014. Herpetologia Brasileira 3(1): 14-24.
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KASPEROVICZUS, K.N.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. 2012/2014. Instituto Butantan e a Jararaca-Ilhoa: cem anos de história, mitos e ciência. Cadernos de História da Ciência 8(2): 255-269.
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BRAZ, H.B.; KASPEROVICZUS, K.N.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive ecology and diet of the fossorial snake Phalotris lativittatus in the Brazilian Cerrado 2014. Herpetological Journal 24(1): 49-57.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; MUNIZ-DA-SILVA, D.F.; BARBO F.E.; CARDOSO S.R.T.; MAIA D.C.; Almeida-Santos S.M.. Ecology of the Colubrid Snake Spilotes pullatus from the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil. 2014. Herpetologica, 70(4), 407–416.
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GUEDES, T.B.; NOGUEIRA, C.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Diversity, natural history, and geographic distribution of snakes in the Caatinga, Northeastern Brazil. 2014. Zootaxa 3863 (1): 001–093.
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OGUIURA, N.; KAPRONEZAI, J.; RIBEIRO, T.; ROCHA, M.M.T.; MEDEIROS, C.R.; MARCELINO, J.R.; PREZOTO, B.C.. An alternative micromethod to access the procoagulant activity of Bothrops jararaca venom and the efficacy of antivenom.2014. Toxicon 90: 148 e 154.
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VENTURA, K.; SILVA, M.J.J.; GEISE, L.; LEITE, Y.; PARDINAS, U.F.J.; YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.; D'ELÍA, G.. The phylogenetic position of the enigmatic Atlantic Forest endemic spiny-mouse Abrawayaomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). Zoological Studies, v. 52, p. 1-10, 2013.
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SUAREZ-VILLOTA, E.Y.; DI-NIZO, C.B.; NEVES, C.L.; SILVA, M.J.J.. First cytogenetic information for Drymoreomys albimaculatus (Rodentia, Cricetidae), a recently described genus from Brazilian Atlantic Forest. ZooKeys (Online), v. 303, p. 65-76, 2013.
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ONOFRIO, V.C.; NIERI-BASTOS, F.A.; SAMPAIO, J.S.; SOARES, J.F.; SILVA, M.J.J.; BARROS-BATTESTI, D.M.. Noteworthy records of Ixodes schulzei (Acari: Ixodidae) on rodents from the State of Parana, southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária (Impresso), v. 22, p. 159-161, 2013.
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MOREIRA, C.; DI-NIZO, C.B.; SILVA, M.J.J.; YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.; Ventura, K.. A remarkable autosomal heteromorphism in Pseudoryzomys simplex 2n = 56; FN = 54-55 (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso), v. 36, p. 201-206, 2013.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; KASPEROVICZUS, K.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive Ecology of the Threatened Pitviper Bothrops insularis from Queimada Grande Island, Southeast Brazil. Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 47, No. 3, 393–399, (2013).
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BERTANI, R. & HUFF, J. 2013. Avicularia rickwesti sp. nov., a remarkable new species of Avicularia (Theraphosidae: Aviculariinae) from Dominican Republic. Zoologia 30(3):333-337.
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LOPES, P.H.; BERTANI, R.; GONÇALVES-DE-ANDRADE, R.M.; NAGAHAMA, R.H.; VAN DEN BERG, C.W.; TAMBOURGI, D.V.. 2013. Venom of the Brazilian spider Sicarius ornatus (Araneae, Sicariidae) contains active sphingomyelinase D: potential for toxicity after envenomation. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7(8): e2394. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0002394.
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BERTANI, R. & GUADANUCCI, J.P.L.. 2013. Morphology, evolution and usage of urticating setae by tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae). Zoologia 30(4): 403-418.
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BERTANI, R.; CRUZ, W.R. & OLIVEIRA, M.E.E.S.. 2013. Masteria manauara sp. nov., the first masteriine species from Brazil (Araneae: Dipluridae: Masteriinae). Zoologia 30(4):437-440.
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BANCI, K.R.S.; VIERA, N.F.T.; MARINHO, P.S.; CALIXTO, P.O.; MARQUES O.A.V.. Predation of Rhinella ornata (Anura, Bufonidae) by the alien crayfish (Crustacea, Astacidae) Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) in São Paulo, Brazil. Herpetology Notes, volume 6: 339-341 (2013).
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BRAZ, H.B.; ROCHA, M.M.T.; FURTADO, M.F.D.. Maintaining rear-fanged snakes for venom production: an evaluation of mortality and survival rates for Philodryas olfersii and P. patagoniensis in captivity. The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases 164-172 (2012).
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STRÜSSMANN, C.; BRITO, E.S.; MARQUES, A.V.. What do water snakes eat? First report of predation by a Neotropical Hydropsini snake on giant earthworms (Glossoscolecidae). Salamandra 49(1) 48–50 (2013).
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CORREA, P.G.; OGUIURA, N.. Phylogenetic analysis of b-defensin-like genes of Bothrops, Crotalus and Lachesis snakes. Toxicon 69: 65–74 (2013).
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BERTANI, R.; MOTTA, P.C.. Redescription of Avicularia taunayi and notes on its habitat and geographical distribution (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Aviculariinae). Zoologia 30(1): 107-114 (2013).
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BERTANI, R.. A new species of Melloina (Araneae: Paratropididae) from Venezuela. Zoologia 30(1):101-106 (2013).
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BERTANI, R.; BICHUETTE, M.E. & PEDROSO, D.R.. Tmesiphantes hypogeus sp. nov. (Araneae, Theraphosidae), the first troglobitic tarantula from Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 85(1):235-243 (2013).
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; BANCI, K.R.S.; STRÜSSMANN C.. Death-feigning behaviour in water snakes of the genus Hydrodynastes (Dipsadidae) from South America. Herpetology Notes, volume 6: 95-96 (2013).
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ROJAS, C.A.; BARROS, V.A.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. The Reproductive Cycle of the Male Sleep Snake Sibynomorphus mikanii (Schlegel, 1837) From Southeastern Brazil. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 274:215–228 (2013).
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; PIZZATTO, L.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive Strategies of New World Coral Snakes, Genus Micrurus. Herpetologica, 69(1):58-66. 2013.
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BÖHM, M.; MARQUES, O.A.V.; et al.. The conservation status of the world’s reptiles. Biological Conservation 157 (2013) 372–385.
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SANTOS, L.C.. Discovery of the second specimen of the African amphisbaenian Monopeltis kabindae Witte & Laurent, 1942. African Journal of Herpetology, 2013, 1-8, iFirst article.
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BOVO, R.P.; MARQUES, O.A.V.; ANDRADE, D.V..When Basking Is Not an Option: Thermoregulation of a Viperid Snake Endemic to a Small Island in the South Atlantic of Brazil. Copeia No. 3, 408–418. 2012.
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BERTANI, R.; NAGAHAMA, R.H.; FUKUSHIMA, C.S.. /Vitalius nondescriptus/comb. nov. (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae): an example of theraphosid taxonomic chaos. Zoologia 29: (2012) 467-473 .
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BERTANI, R.; FUKUSHIMA, C.S.; NAGAHAMA, R.H.. /Metriura/Drolshagen & Bäckstam, 2009 (Araneae: Dipluridae) is a junior synonym of /Fufius/ Simon, 1888 (Araneae: Cyrtacuheniidae). Zoologia 29 (2012) : 493-495.
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BERTANI, R.. Revision, cladistic analysis and biogeography of /Typhochlaena/ C. L. Koch, 1850, /Pachistopelma/ Pocock, 1901 and /Iridopelma/ Pocock, 1901 (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Aviculariinae). ZooKeys 230 (2012) : 1-94.
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GONÇALVES-DE-ANDRADE, R.M.; BERTANI, R.; NAGAHAMA, R.H.; BARBOSA, M.F.R.. /Loxosceles niedeguidonae/(Araneae, Sicariidae) a new species of brown spider from Brazilian semi-arid region. ZooKeys 175 (2012) : 27-36.
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TORELLO-VIERA, N.F.; ARAÚJO, D.P.; BRAZ, H.B.. Annual and daily activity patterns of the snail-eating snake Dipsas bucephala (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) in southeastern Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology, 7(3) (2012): 252-258.
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VENTURA, K.; SATO-KUWABARA, Y.; FAGUNDES, V.; GEISE L.; LEITE Y.L.R.; COSTA, L.P.; SILVA M.J.J.; YONENAGA-YASSUDA Y.; RODRIGUES M.T.. Phylogeographic Structure and Karyotypic Diversity of the Brazilian Shrew Mouse (Blarinomys breviceps , Sigmodontinae) in the Atlantic Forest. Cytogenet Genome Research 138(1) (2012) : 19-30.
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ROJAS, A.A.; BARROS, V.A.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. The Reproductive Cycle of the Male Sleep Snake Sibynomorphus mikanii (Schlegel, 1837) From Southeastern Brazil. Journal of morphology 000 (2012) : 000–000 .
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GOMES, C.A .; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Microhabitat use by species of the genera Bothrops and Crotalus (Viperidae) in semi-extensive captivity. The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, vol. 18 (2012) : 393-398.
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GOMES, C.A.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Food habits, reproductive biology, and seasonal activity of the dipsadid snake, Echinanthera undulata (wied, 1824), from the atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology, 7(3) (2012) : 233-240.
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PEIGNEUR S.; ORTS D.J.B.; SILVA A.R.P.; OGUIURA N.; BONI-MITAKE M.; OLIVEIRA E.B.; ZAHARENKO A.J.; FREITAS J.C.; TYTGAT J.. Crotamine Pharmacology Revisited: Novel Insights Based on the Inhibition of Kv Channels. Mol Pharmacol 82 (2012) : 90-96.
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CITADINI,J.M.; BARROS, V.A.; PUORTO, G.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. CROTALUS DURISSUS (neotropical rattlesnake): REPRODUCTION. Herpetological Bulletin, Number 119, (2012).
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BARROS, V.A.; SUEIRO, L.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Reproductive biology of the neotropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus from northeastern Brazil: a test of phylogenetic conservatism of reproductive patterns. Herpetological Journal, 22 (2012) : 97–104.
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GOMES, C.A.; FACURE, K.G.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Grass mice (Akodon sp.): an unrecorded prey for the dipsadid snake Taeniophallus affinis. Herpetology Notes, vol. 5 (2012) : 41-42.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; MARTINS, M.; DEVELEY, P.F.; MACARRÃO, A.; SAZIMA, I.. The golden lancehead Bothrops insularis (Serpentes: Viperidae) relies on two seasonally plentiful bird species visiting its island habitat. Journal of Natural History 46(13-14) (2012) : 885-895.
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BARBO F.E.; MARQUES O.A.V.; SAWAYA R.J.. Diversity, natural history, and distribution of snakes in the municipality of São Paulo. South American Journal of Herpetology. 135-160 (2011).
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GUEDES, T.B.; NUNES, G.S.S.; PRUDENTE, A.L.C.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. New records and geographical distribution of the Tropical Banded Treesnake Siphlophis compressus (Dipsadidae) in Brazil. Herpetology Notes, vol.4: 341-346 (2011)
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; ARAÚJO, C.O.. Do pitvipers prey on mammals during daylight? Herpetology Notes, vol.4: 453-454 (2011)
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Coleções, Conservação e Saúde Pública. BioBrasilis, 2011 (2): 16-18
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CARDOZO, D.E.; LEME, D.M.; BORTOLETO, J.F.; CATROLI, G.F.; BALDO, D.; FAIVOVICH, J.; KOLENC, F.; SILVA, A.P.Z.; BORTEIRO, C.; HADDAD, C.F.B.; KASAHARA, S.. Karyotypic data on 28 species of Scinax (Amphibia: anura: Hyliade): Diversity and informative variation. Copeia, (22): 51-263 (2011).
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BRAZ, H.B.P.; MANÇO, D.G.. Nartural nests of the false-coral snake Oxyrhopus guibei in southeastern Brazil. 2011. Herpetology Notes 4: 187-189.
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OGUIURA, N.; BONI-MITAKE, M.; AFFONSO, R. and ZHANG, G.. In vitro antibacterial and hemolytic activities of crotamine, a small basic myotoxin from rattlesnake Crotalus durissus. The Journal of Antibiotics (2011), 64, 327-331.
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KASPEROVICZUS, K. N.; SANTOS, L.C.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S. M.. First report of hemiclitores in a female of the amphisbaenian Amphisbaena microcephala (Wagler, 1824) Herpetology Notes, volume 4: 041-043 (2011).
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ZACARIOTTI, R.L.; ZIMAK, T.F.; VALLE, R.R.. Bothrops moojeni (Brazilian lancehead): Mating. Herpetological Bulletin, v.115, p. 33-34, 2011.
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GUEDES, T.B.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. Reptila, Squamata, Serpentes, dipsadidae, Tropidodryas striaticeps (Cope, 1869): Latitudinal and altitudinal extension and geographic distribution map. Check List 7: 078-092 ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) 2011
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ZACARIOTTI, R.L.; GUIMARÃES, M.A.B.V.. Aplicações da biotecnologia na reprodução de serpentes. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, v. 34, p. 98-104, 2010.
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SUEIRO, L.R.; FEIO, R.N.; BARROS, A.B.; COSTA, H.C.. The blunt-headed vine snake, Imantodes cenchoa (Linnaeus, 1758), in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil Biotemas, 23 (4): 173-176, dezembro de 2010 ISSN 0103 – 1643.
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MEDEIROS, C.R.; HESS, P.L.; NICOLETI, A.F.; SUEIRO, L.R.; DUARTE, M.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; FRANÇA, F.O.S.. Bites by the colubrid snake Philodryas patagoniensis: A clinical and epidemiological study of 297 cases Toxicon 56 (2010) 1018–1024.
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SUEIRO, L.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; FRANÇA, F.O.S.; RISK, J.Y.; ROJAS, C.A.. Anomalias cromáticas em Bothrops jararaca ( Serpentes Viperidae): Xantismo interfere na sobrevivência? Biotemas, 23 (1): 155-160, março de 2010 ISSN 0103 – 1643.
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VENTURA, K.; SILVA, M.J.J. and YASSUDA, Y.Y.. Thaptomys Thomas 1915 (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae, Akodontini) with karyotypes 2n = 50, FN = 48, and 2n = 52, FN = 52: Two monophyletic lineages recovered by molecular phylogeny Genetics and molecular Biology, 33, 2, 256-261 (2010).
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ANDRADE, D.V.; MARQUES, O.A.V.; GAVIRA, R.S.B.; BARBO, F.E.; ZACARIOTTI, R.L. and SAZIMA, I..Tail luring by the golden lancehead (Bothrops insularis), an island endemic snake from south-eastern Brazil South American Journal of Herpetology, 5(3), 2010, 175-180.
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PINTO, R.R.; MARQUES, O.A.V.; FERNANDES, R.. Reproductive biology of two sympatric colubrid snakes, Chironius flavolineatus and Chironius quadricarinatus, from the Brazilian Cerrado domain Amphibia-Reptilia 31 (2010): 463-473
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; NOGUEIRA, C.; MARTINS, M. & SAWAYA, R.J.. Impactos potenciais das mudanças propostas no Código Florestal Brasileiro sobre os répteis brasileiros Biota Neotrop. 2010, 10(4): abstract?article+bn00510042010.
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FERNANDES D.S.; MARQUES O.A.V. & ARGOLÔ. J.S.. A new species of Dipsas Laurenti from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) Zootaxa 2691: 57–66 (2010)
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BOVO, R.P.; MARQUES, O.A.V.; ANDRADE, D.V. Does gestation or feeding affect the body temperature of golden lancehead, Bothrops insularis (Squamata:Viperidae) under field conditions? Zoologia 27(6): 973-978, 2010.
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OROFINO, R.P.; PIZATTO, L.; MARQUES, O.A.V. Reproductive biology and food habits of Pseudoboa nigra (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) from the Brazilian Cerrado. Phyllomedusa 9(1): 53-61, 2010.
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ZACARIOTTI, R.L.; VALLE, R.R.. Observation of mating in the Calico Snake Oxyrhopus petola, Linnaeus 1758. Herpetology Notes, v. 3, p. 139-140, 2010.
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ZACARIOTTI, R.L. ; GOMES, C.A.. Diet of the Black headed Forest Racer Taeniophallus affinis Günther, 1858 in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Herpetology Notes, v. 3, p. 11-12, 2010
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CENTENO, F.C.; SAWAYA, R.J.; GERMANO, V.J.. A New Species of Liotyphlops (Serpentes: Anomalepididae) From the Atlantic Coastal Forest in Southeastern Brazil. Herpetologica, 66(1): 86–91, 2010.
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PAIVA, C.R.; NASCIMENTO, J.; SILVA, A.P.Z.; BERNARDE, P.S.; ANANIAS, F.. Karyotypes and Ag-NORs in Phyllomedusa camba De La Riva, 1999 and P. rhodei Mertens, 1926 (Anura, Hylidae, Phyllomedusinae): cytotaxonomic considerations. Italian Journal of Zoology, 77(1): 116–121, 2010.
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GUIMARÃES, M.R.; BOVO, R.P.; KASPEROVICZUS, K.N.; MARQUES, O.A.V.. BOTHROPS INSULARIS (Golden Lancehead). MAXIMUM LENGTH. Herpetological Review 41(1): 89, 2010.
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ROJAS, C.A.; NOMURA, R.H.C.; Intussuscepção Jejuno-Jejunal em Jiboia ( Boa constrictor amarali) - Relato de Caso. 2009. ISSN0102-5716 Veterinária e Zootecnia
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VILELA, R.V.; MACHADO, T.; VENTURA, K.; FAGUNDES, V.; SILVA, M.J.J.; and YASSUDA, Y.Y.. The taxonomic status of the endaganred thin-speed porcupine, Chaetomys subspinosus (Olfers, 1818), based on molecular and karyologic data BMC Evelutionary Biology 9: 1-17, 2009
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BRAZ, H.B.P.; ARAUJO, C.O.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Life history traits of the snake Phalotris lativittatus (Xenodontinae: Elapomorphi) from the Brazilian Cerrado. 2009. Herpetology Notes 2: 163-164
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BRAZ, H.B.P.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Dipsas indica Reproduction. 2008 Herpetological Bulletin 106: 36-38
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NAPOLI, M.F.; ANANIAS, F.; FONSECA, P.M.; SILVA, A.P.Z.. Morphological and karyotypic contributions for a taxonomic definitions of the frog Ischnocnema ramagii (BOULENGER, 1888) (ANURA, BRACHYCEPHALIDAE). South American Journal of Herpetology, 4(2), 2009, 164-172.
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OGUIURA, N.; COLLARES, MAÍRA A.; FURTADO, M.F.D.; FERRAREZZI, H.; SUZUKI, H.. Intraspecific variation of the crotamine and crotasin genes in Crotalus durissus rattlesnakes. Gene 446: 35–40, 2009.
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OGUIURA, N.; FERRAREZZI, H.; BATISTIC, R.F.. Cytogenetics and Molecular Data in Snakes: A Phylogenetic Approach 2009. Cytogenetic Genome Research 127: 128–142.
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PIZZATO, L.; MARQUES, O.A.V.; FACURE, K.. Food habits of Brazilian boid snakes: overview and new data, with special reference to Corallus hortulanus. 2009. Amphibia-Reptilia 30: 533-544.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; RODRIGUES, M.; CAMARGO, R.. Mating and reproductive cycle in the neotropical colubrid snake Chironius bicarinatus. 2009. South American Journal of Herpetology, 4(1), 76-80.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; PEREIRA, D.N.; BARBO, F.E.; GERMANO, V.J.; SAWAYA, R.J.. Os Répteis do Município de São Paulo: diversidade e ecologia da fauna pretérita e atual. Biota Neotrop., vol. 9, no. 2
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VALDUJO, P.H.; NOGUEIRA, C.C.; BAUMGARTEM; L.; RODRIGUES, F.H.G.; BRANDÃO, R.A.; Eterovic, A.; Ramos-Neto, M.B.; Marques, O.A.V.. Squamate Reptiles from Parque Nacional das Emas and surroundings, Cerrado of Central Brazil. 2009. Check List 5(3): 405–417.
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ARAUJO, C.O.; CONDEZ, T.H. & SAWAYA, R.J.. Anfíbios Anuros do Parque Estadual das Furnas do Bom Jesus, sudeste do Brasil, e suas relações com outras taxocenoses no Brasil 2009. Biota Neotropica 9: 1–22.
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ALVES, A.C.R.; SAWAYA, R.J.; REIS, S.F. & HADDAD, C.F.B.. New Species of Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephalidae) from the Atlantic Rain Forest in São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil. 2009. Journal of Herpetology 43: 212–219.
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BARBO, F.E.. Os Répteis no Município de São Paulo: aspectos históricos, diversidade e conservação. In: MALAGOLI, L. R.; BAJESTERO, F. B. ; WHATELY, M.. (Org.). 2009. Além do Concreto: contribuições para a proteção da biodiversidade paulistana. : Instituto Socioambiental, São Paulo. 234-267.
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CONDEZ, T.H; SAWAYA, R.J. & DIXO, M.. Herpetofauna dos remanescentes de Mata Atlântica da região de Tapiraí e Piedade, SP, sudeste do Brasil. 2009. Biota Neotropropica 9: 1-29.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; RODRIGUES, M. & CAMARGO, R.. Mating and reproductive cycle in the neotropical colubrid snake Chironius bicarinatus 2009. South American Journal of Herpetology 4: 76-80.
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SCARTOZZONI, R.R.; SALOMÃO, M.G.; & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Natural history of the vine snake Oxybelis fulgidus (Serpentes, Colubridae) from Brazil. 2009. South American Journal of Herpetology 4: 81-89.
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BRAZ, H.B.P.; FRANCO, F.L.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS. S.M.. Communal egg-latting and of the Goo-eater Snake, Sibynomorphus mikanii (Dipsadidae, Dipsadinae) in southeastern Brazil. 2008 Herpetological Bulletin 106: 26-30
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ALMEIDA, W.O.; GUEDES, T.B.; FREIRE, E.M.X. & VASCONCELLOS, A.. Pentastomid infection in Philodryas nattereri Steindachner, 1870 and Oxybelis aeneus (Wagler, 1824) (Squamata: Colubridae) in a caatinga of northeastern Brazil. 2008. Brazilian Journal of Biology 68: 201-205.
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CENTENO, F.C.; SAWAYA, R.J. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Snake assemblage of Ilha de São Sebastião, southeastern Brazil: comparison to mainland. 2008. Biota neotropica 8: 63-68.
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BARBO, F.E. & SAWAYA, R.J.. Amphisbaenians, municipality of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. 2008. Check List 4: 5-11.
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GIOVANELLI, J.G.R.; ARAUJO, C.O.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & ALEXANDRINO, J.. Modelagem do nicho ecológico de Phyllomedusa ayeaye (Anura: Hylidae): previsão de novas áreas de ocorrência para uma espécie rara. 2008. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 3 59-65.
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MACARRÃO, A.. Comportamento de "brincar" em jovens fragatas Fregata magnificens (Fregatidae). 2008. Atualidades Ornitológicas 142: 20-21.
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MACARRÃO, A.; FIGUEIREDO, L.F.A.; GUSSONI, C.O.A. & LUCA, A.. Registro documentado da marreca-de-asa-azul, Anas discors (Aves: Anatidae), no município de São Paulo. 2008. Atualidades Ornitológicas 144: 18.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. Winding to and fro: constriction in the snake Anilius scytale. 2008. Herpetological Bulletin 103: 29-31.
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MARINHO, C.E.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; YAMASAKI, S.C. & SILVEIRA, P.F.. Seasonal variation of peptidase activeties in the reproductive tract of Crotalus durrisus terrificus. 2008. General and Comparative Endocrinology 160: 84-92.
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MARINHO, C.E.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; YAMASAKI, S.C. & SILVEIRA, P.F.. Peptidase activities in Crotalus durrisus terrificus semen. 2008. Reproduction 136: 767-776.
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MARTINS, M.; MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. How to be arboreal and diurnal and still stay alive: microhabitat use, time of activity, and defense in Neotropical forest snakes. 2008. South American Journal of Herpetology 3: 60-69.
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MARTINS, M.; SAWAYA, R.J. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. A first estimate of the population size of the critically endangered lancehead, Bothrops insularis . 2008. South American Journal of Herpetology 3: 168-174.
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PARPINELLI, L. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Seasonal and daily activity in the pale-headed blindsnake Liotyphops beui (Serpentes: Anomalepidae) in southeastern Brazil. 2008. South American Journal of Herpetology 3: 207-212.
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PIKE, D.A.; PIZZATTO, L.; PIKE, B.A. & SHINE, R.. Estimating survival rates of uncatchable animals: the myth of high juvenile mortality in reptiles. 2008. Ecology 89: 607-611.
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PINTO, R.R.; FERNANDES, R. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Morphology and diet of two sympatric colubrid snakes, Chironius flavolineatus and Chironius quadricarinatus (Serpentes: Colubridae). 2008. Amphibia-Reptilia 29: 149-160.
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PIZZATTO, L.; CHILD, T. & SHINE, R.. Why be diurnal? Shifts in activity time enable young cane toads to evade cannibalistic conspecifics. 2008. Behavioral Ecology 19: 990-997.
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PIZZATTO, L.; JORDÃO, R.S. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Overview of Reproductive Strategies in Xenodontini (Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae) with New Data for Xenodon neuwiedii and Waglerophis merremii. 2008. Journal of Herpetology 42:153-162.
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PIZZATTO, L.; CANTOR, M.; OLIVEIRA, J.L.; MARQUES, O.A.V.; CAPOVILLA, V. & MARTINS, M.. Reprodutive ecology of dipsadine snakes, with emphasis on south american species. 2008. Herpetologica 62: 168-179.
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PIZZATTO, L. & SHINE, R.. The behavioral ecology of cannibalism in cane toads (Bufo marinus). 2008. Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology 63: 123-133.
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RADDER, R.S.; PIZZATTO, L. & SHINE, R.. Morphological correlates of live-history variation: is lizard clutch size related to the number of germinal beds in ovary? 2008. Biologycal Jounal of the Linnean Society 94: 81-88.
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RIBEIRO, B.L.; LISBOA, C.M.C.A.; GUEDES, T.B.; KOLODIUK, M.F. & FREIRE, E.M.X.. Tropidurus hispidus Hatching size. 2008. Herpetological Review 38: 94-95.
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RODRIGUES, M.G.. Chironius exoletus Prey and possible diet convergence. 2008. Herpetological Bulletin 105: 41-42.
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SAWAYA, R.J.; MARQUES, O.A.V. & MARTINS, M.. Composição e história natural das serpentes de Cerrado de Itirapina, São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil. 2008. Biota neotropica 8: 127-149.
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SAWAYA, R.J.; MARQUES, O.A.V. & MARTINS, M.. Compisition and natural history of a Cerrado snake assemblage at Itirapina, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. 2008. Biota neotropica 8: 127-149.
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VENTURA, K.; XIMENES, G.E.I.; PARDINI, R. SOUSA, M.A.N.; YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y. & SILVA, M.J.J.. Karyotypc analyses morphological comments on the endemic and endangered Brazilian painted tree rat Callistomys pictus (Rodentia, Echimyidae). 2008. Genetics and Molecular Biolology 31: 697-703.
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ZELANIS, A.; TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R. & FURTADO, M.F.D.. Ontogenetic changes in the venom of Bothrops insularis (Serpentes: Viperidae)and its biological implication. 2008. South American Journal of Herpetology 3: 43-50.
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AMARO-GHILARDI, R.C.; SILVA, M.J.J.; RODRIGUES, M.T. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Chromosomal studies in four species of genus Chaunus (Bufonidae, Anura): localization of telomeric and ribosomal sequences after fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). 2007. Genetica online: 1573/6857.
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ANANIAS, F.; BOMBEIRO, A.L.; DA SILVA, C.B.D.; SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & KASAHARA, S.. Cytogenetics of Eupemphix nattereri Steindachner, 1863 (Anura, Leiuperidae) and Karyotypic Similarity with Species of Related Genera: Taxonomic Implications. 2007. Acta Zoologica Sinica 53: 285-293.
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ARAUJO, C.O.; CONDEZ, T.H. & HADDAD, C.F.B.. Amphibia, Anura, Barycholos ternetzi, Chaunus rubescens, and Scinax canastrensis: distribution extension, new state record. 2007. Check List 3: 153-155.
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ARAUJO, C.O.; CONDEZ, T.H. & HADDAD, C.F.B.. Amphibia, Anura, Phyllomedusa ayeaye (B. Lutz, 1966): Distribution extension, new state record, and geographic distribution map. 2007. Check List 3: 156-158.
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BRASILEIRO, C.A.; HADDAD, C.F.B.; SAWAYA, R.J. & SAZIMA, I.. A new and threatened island-dwelling species of Cycloramphus (Anura: Cycloramphidae) from southeastern Brazil. 2007. Herpetologica 63: 501-510.
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BRASILEIRO, C.A.; HADDAD, C.F.B.; SAWAYA, R.J. & MARTINS, M.. A new and threatened species of Scinax (Anura: Hylidae) from Queimada Grande Island, southeastern Brazil. 2007. Zootaxa 1391: 47-55.
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CORREA, P.G.; GERMANO, V.J.; RÁDISBAPTISTA, G. & OGUIURA, N.. Detection of Crotamine and Crotoxin Gene Sequences in Genomic DNA from Formaldehyde-fixed Rattlesnake. 2007. Herpetological Review 38: 158-162.
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GRAZZIOTIN, F.B.; ZAHER, H.; FERRAREZZI, H.; KLACZKO, J.; BONATTO, S.L. & WILKINSON, M.. Higher-level molecular phylogeny of snakes: Conflicts and congruence. 2007. Darwinana 45: 17-19.
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MACARRÃO, A. & FIGUEIREDO, L.F.A.. Primeiro registro da garça-real, Pilherodius pileatus e primeiros registros documentados da marreca-cricri, Anas versicolor e da marreca-parda, Anas georgica para o município de São Paulo. 2007. Atualidades Ornitológicas 138: 18-19.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & MURIEL, A.P.. Reproductive biology and food habits of the swamp racer Mastigodryas bifossatus (Colubridae) from southeastern South America. 2007. Herpetological Journal 17: 104-109.
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MORAES, R.A.; SAWAYA, R.J. & BARRELLA, W.. Composição e Diversidade de Anfíbios Anuros em Dois Ambientes de Mata Atlântica no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil. 2007. Biota Neotropica 7: 1-10.
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PARESQUE, R.; SILVA, M.J.J.; YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y. & FAGUNDES, V.. Karyological geographic variation of the rodent Oligoryzomys nigripes Olfers, 1818 from Brazil. 2007. Genetics and Molecular Biology 30: 43-53.
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PEREIRA, D.N.; STENDER-OLIVEIRA, F.; RODRIGUES, M.G. & BÉRNILS, R.S.. Distribution and habitat use of Sordellina punctata (Serpentes, Colubridae), with a new record from State of São Paulo, Brazil. 2007. Herpetological Bulletin 100: 18-22.
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PERRONI, L.P.G. & TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R.. Philodryas patagoniensis (Parelheira): Venomous Snake a (Crotalid) as Prey. 2007. Herpetological Bulletin 101: 37-39.
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PIZZATTO, L.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & SHINE, L.; Life-History adaptations to Arboreality in Snakes. 2007. Ecology 2: 359-366 and Ecological Archives E088-021-A1.
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PIZZATTO, L. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Reproductive ecology of Boine snakes with emphasis on Brazilian species and comparasion to phythons. 2007. South American Journal of Herpetology 2: 107-122.
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ROJAS, C.A.; GONÇALVES, M.R. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Epidemiologia dos acidentes ofídicos na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. 2007. Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal 8:193-204.
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SAZIMA, I.. Like an earthworm: Chalk-browed Mockingbird (Mimus saturninus) kills and eats a juvenile watersnake. 2007. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 15: 470-471.
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SAZIMA, I. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. A reliable customer: hunting site fidelity by an actively foraging neotropical colubrid snake. 2007. Herpetological Bulletin 99: 36-38.
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ZACARIOTTI, R.L.; GREGO, K.F.; FERNANDES, W.; SANTANNA, S.S. & GUIMARAES, M.A.B.V.. Semen Collection and Evaluation in Free-Ranging Brazilian Rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus terrificus). 2007. Zoo Biology 26: 155-160.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; PIZZATTO, L. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Intra-sex synchrony and inter-sex coordination in the reproductive timing of the coral snake Micrurus corallinus (Elapidae). 2006. Herpetological Journal 16: 371-376.
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BRAZ, H.B.P.; LOPES, P.H.; ROCHA M.M.T. & FURTADO, M.F.D.. Liophis miliaris (Common water snake): CANNIBALISM. 2006. Herpetological Bulletin 97: 36-37.
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FURTADO, M.F.D.; TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R. & ROCHA, M.M.T.. Sexual dimorphism in venom of Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes: Viperidae). 2006. Toxicon 48: 401-410.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & RODRIGUES, M.G.. Activity patterns in coralsnakes, genus Micrurus (Elapidae), in South and Southeastern Brazil. 2006. South American Journal of Herpetolgy 1: 99-105.
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MARQUES, O.; RODRIGUES, M.G. & SAZIMA, I.. Body bending: a cryptic defensive behaviour in arboreal snakes. 2006. Herpetological Bulletin 97: 2-4.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; STENDER-OLIVEIRA F.; SAWAYA, R.J. & FRANÇA, F.G.R.. Ecology of the colubrid snake Pseudablabes agassizii in south-eastern South America. 2006. Herpetological Journal 16: 37-45.
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MENEZES, M.C.; FURTADO, M.F.D.; TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R.; CAMARGO, A.C.M. & SERRANO, S.M.T.. Sex-based individual variation of snake venom proteome among eighteen Bothrops jararaca siblings. 2006. Toxicon 47: 304-312.
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PAZ, R.C.; ZACARIOTTI, R.L.; TEXEIRA, R.H. & GUIMARAES, M.A.B.V.. O efeito das enzimas hialuronidase e tripsina na liquefação do sêmen de macacos pregos (Cebus apella). 2006. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 43: 196-201.
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PIZZATTO, L. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Interpopulational variation in sexual dimorphism, reproductive output, and parasitism of the water snake Liophis miliaris (Colubridae), in the Atlantic forest of Brazil. 2006. Amphibia-Reptilia 27: 37-46.
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PIZZATTO, L. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Interpopulational variation in reproductive cycles and activity of the water snake Liophis miliaris (Colubridae) in Brazil. 2006. Herpetological Journal 16: 353-362.
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PIZZATTO, L.; MANFIO, R H. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Male-male ritualized combat in the Brazilian rainbow boa, Epicrates cenchria crassus. 2006. Herpetological Bulletin 95: 16-20.
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SILVA, M.J.J.; PATTON, J.L. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Phylogenetic relationships and karyotype evolution in the Brazilian sigmodontine rodent Akodon with 2n=10 and 2n=16. 2006. Genetics and Molecular Biology 29: 469-474.
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SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B.; GALASSI, G. & KASAHARA, S.. Multiple nucleolus organizer regions in Leptodactylus mystacinus (Amphibia, Anura) and comments on its systematic position in the L. fuscus group based on cytogenetic and molecular analyses. 2006. Genetica 127: 35-44.
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SAWAYA, R.J. & HADDAD, C.F.B. Amphibia, Anura, Stereocyclops parkeri: distribution extension, new state record, geographic distribution map. 2006. Check List 2: 74-76.
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SCARTOZZONI, R.R. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Helicops leopardinus (Water Snake) Reproduction (in press). 2006. Herpetological Bulletin (Natural History Notes) 97: 14-17.
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SUEIRO, L.R. & BRITES, V.L.C.. Táticas de subjugação de presas no comportamento de predação da serpente Crotalus durissus terrificus Amaral, 1926 em cativeiro. 2006. Biotemas 19: 55-61.
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SILVA, O.G.C.; BERBARE, P.E.B.; ZACARIOTTI, R.L.; CORREA, S.H.R.; OLIVEIRA, C.A. & GUIMARAES, M.A. B.V.. Estudo da correlação das características citológicas vaginais e os níveis séricos de estradiol e progesterona em Leão africano (Panthera leo) mantidos em cativeiro. 2006. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 43: 227-232.
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TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R. & PARPINELLI, A.C.. Crotalus durissus terrificus - a case of xanthism. 2006. Herpetological Bulletin 97: 38-39.
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TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R. & ALBUQUERQUE, C.C.. Tropidodryas striaticeps (Vine - snake): Reproduction. 2006. Herpetological Bulletin 98: 34-35.
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VENTURA, K.; SILVA, M.J.J.; FAGUNDES, V.; CHRISTOFF, A.U. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Non-telomeric sites as evidence of chromosomal rearrangement and repetitive (TTAGGG)n arrays in heterochromatic and euchromatic regions in four species of Akodon (Rodentia, Muridae). 2006. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 115: 169-175.
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VIEIRA, K.S.Z.; SILVA, A.P.Z. & ARZABE, C.. Cranial morphology and karyotypic analysis of Ceratophrys joazeirensis (Anura: Ceratophryidae, Ceratophrynae): taxonomic considerations. 2006. Zootaxa 1320: 57-68.
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ALBUQUERQUE, H.N.; Costa, T.B.G. & CAVALCANTI, M.L.F.. Estudo dos acidentes ofídicos provocados por serpentes do gênero Bothrops notificados no Estado da Paraíba. 2005. Revista de Biologia e Ciencias da Terra 5: 1-7.
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BIZERRA, A.F.; MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. Reproduction and feeding of the colubrid snake Tomodon dorsatus from south-eastern Brazil. 2005. Amphibia-Reptilia 26: 33-38.
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BRASILEIRO, C.A.; SAWAYA, R.J.; KIEFER, M.C. & MARTINS, M.. Anfíbios de um fragmento de Cerrado aberto do sudeste do Brasil. 2005. Biota Neotropica 5: 1-17.
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COSTA, A.C.O.R.; HAUZMAN, E. & SCARTOZZONI, R.R.. Chironius laevicollis (pale-necked wipsnake): Reproduction. 2005. The Herpetological Bulletin 92: 26-27.
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COSTA, A.C.O.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; GERMANO, V.J.; OLIVEIRA, L.; SCARTOZZONI, R.R. & SALOMAO, M. G.. Manutenção de serpentes em cativeiro no Instituto Butantan: II - A longevidade do gênero Bothrops, Crotalus e Lachesis. 2005. Publicações avulsas do Instituto Pau Brasil de História Natural 8-9: 63-68.
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FERRAREZZI, H.; BARBO, F.E. & ALBUQUERQUE, C.E.. Phylogenetic relationships of a new species of Apostolepis from brazilian cerrado with notes on the assimilis group (Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae: Elapomorphini). 2005. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 45: 215-229.
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HARTMANN, P. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Diet and habitat use of two sympatric species of Philodryas (Colubridae). 2005. Amphibia-Reptilia 26: 25-31.
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HAUZMAN, E.; COSTA, A.C.O.R. & SCARTOZZONI, R.R.. Spilotes pullatus (Tiger Rat Snake): Reproduction. 2005. Herpetological Review 36: 328.
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HAUZMAN, E.; COSTA, A.C.O.R.; SALOMAO, M.G. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. A prática da educação ambiental pelo Instituto Butantan: a eficiência da permuta de soro anti-ofídico nas comunidades de Ibiuna, Juquitiba e Santana do Parnaíba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. 2005. Publicações avulsas do Instituto Pau Brasil de História Natural 8-9: 69-76.
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MACHADO, T.; SILVA, M.J.J.; LEAL-MESQUITA, E.R.; CARMIGNOTTO, A.P. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Nine karyomorphs for spiny rats genus Proechimys (Echimyidae, Rodentia) from North and Central Brazil. 2005. Genetics and Molecular Biology 28: 682-692.
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OGUIURA, N.; BONI-MITAKE, M. & RÁDIS-BAPTISTA, G.. New view on crotamine, a small basic polypeptide myotoxin from South American rattlesnake venom. 2005. Toxicon 46: 363-370.
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OLIVEIRA, L.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; COSTA, A.C.O.R.; SCARTOZZONI, R.R.; GERMANO, V.J. & SALOMAO, M. G.. Manutenção de serpentes em cativeiro no Instituto Butantan: I - A longevidade do gênero Micrurus. 2005. Publicações avulsas do Instituto Pau Brasil de História Natural 8-9: 55-61.
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PERCEQUILLO, A.R.; CARMIGNOTTO, A.P. & SILVA, M.J.J.. On a new species of Neusticomys (Ichthyomyini, Sigmodontinae) from Central Brazilian Amazonia. 2005. Journal of Mammalogy 83: 873-880.
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PIZZATTO, L.. Reproductive biology of the glass snake Ophiodes fragilis (Squamata: Anguidae) in southeastern Brazil. 2005. Herpetological Journal 15: 9-13.
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PIZZATTO, L.. Body size, reproductive biology and abundance of the rare Pseudoboinae snakes, genus Clelia and Boiruna (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Brazil. 2005. Phyllomedusa 4: 111-122.
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SALOMAO, M.G.; ALBOLEA, A.B.P.; SOBREIRO, E.S. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Animais peçonhentos no município de Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brasil: incidência de acidentes e circunstâncias com vistas à sua preservação. 2005. Publicações avulsas do Instituto Pau Brasil de História Natural 8-9 77-83.
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SAZIMA, I.; ZUANON, J. & HADDAD-JR, V.. Puncture wounds by driftwood catfish during bucket baths: local habits of riverside people and fish natural history in the Amazon. 2005. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 16: 204-208.
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SCARTOZZONI, R.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & SALOMAO, M.G.. Aspectos da reprodução da cobra bicuda Oxybelis fulgidus (Serpentes: Colubridae). 2005. Publicações avulsas do Instituto Pau Brasil de História Natural 8-9: 85-90.
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ALBUQUERQUE, C.E. & FERRAREZZI, H.. A case of communal nesting in the Neotropical snake Sibynomorphus mikanii (Serpentes, Colubridae). 2004. Phyllomedusa 3: 73-77.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; FERREIRA, I.L.; ANTONIAZZI, M.M. & JARED, C.. Sperm Storage in males of the snake Crotalus durissus terrificus (Crotalinae: Viperidae) in southeastern Brazil. 2004. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 139: 169-174.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; ABDALLA, F.P.; SILVEIRA, P.F.; YAMANOUYE, N. & SALOMAO, M.G.. Reproductive cycle of the Neotropical C. d. terrificus I Seasona levels and interplay between steroid hormones and vasotocinase). 3004. General and Comparative Endocrinology 139: 143-150.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; FALCETTI, C.A.; RIBEIRO, R.A.K. & PEREIRA, D.N.. Bothrops jararacussu (jararacussu). Ophiophagy. 2004. Herpetological Review 35: 58-58.
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PRADO, C.P.A.; ABDALLA, F.C.; SILVA, A.P.Z. & ZINA, J.. Late gametonenesis in Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) and some ecological considerations. 2004. Brazilian Journal of Morphologic Science 21: 177-184.
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RÁDIS-BAPTISTA, G.; KUBO, T.; OGUIURA, N.; SILVA, A.R.P.; HAYASHI, M.A.F.; OLIVEIRA, E.B. & YAMANE, T.. Identification of crotasin, a crotamine-related gene of Crotalus durissus terrificus. 2004. Toxicon 43: 751-759.
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SCARTOZZONI, R.R. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Sexual dimorphism, reproductive cycle, and fecundity of the water snake Ptychophis flavovirgatus (Colubridae, Xenodontinae). 2004. Phyllomedusa 3: 69-71.
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SCARTOZZONI, R.R. & MOLINA, F.B.. Comportamento alimentar de Boa constrictor, Epicrates cenchria e Corallus hortulanus (Serpentes, Boidae) em cativeiro. 2004. Revista de etologia 6: 25-31.
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SILVA, M.J.J. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Yatiyo B-chromosomes in Brazilian rodents. 2004. Cytogenetics and Genome Research 106: 257-263.
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SILVA, A.P.Z.; GARCIA, P.C.A.; MARTINS, V.G.; BACCI, M. & KASAHARA, S.. Chromosomal and molecular analysis of the cryptic species Leptodactylus gracilis gracilis, L. gracilis delattini, and L. plaumanni (Anura, Leptodactylidae): taxonomic implications. 2004. Amphibia-Reptilia 25: 185-196.
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TOZETTI, A.M.; MARTINS, M.; MOTA JR, J.C. & SAWAYA, R.J.. Oxyrhopus guibei (False Coral Snake). Predation. 2004. Herpetological Review 35: 179.
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YAMANOUVE, N.; SILVEIRA, P.F.; ABDALLA, F.P.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; BRENO, M.C. & SALOMAO, M.G.. Reproductive Cycle of the Neotropical C.d. terrificus. II Establishment and maintenance of the uterine muscular twisting a strategy for long term sperm storage. 2004. General And Comparative Endocrinology 139: 151-157.
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VENTURA, K.; SILVA, M.J.J.; FAGUNDES, V.; PARDINI, R. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. An undescribed karyotype for Thaptomys (2n=50) and the mechanism of differentiation from Thaptomys nigrita (2n=52) evidenced by FISH and Ag-NORs. 2004. Caryologia 57: 89-97.
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ZUANON, J. & SAZIMA, I.. Vampire catfishes seek the aorta not the jugular: candirus of the genus Vandellia (Trichomycteridae) feed on major gill arteries of host fishes. 2004. Aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology 8: 31-36.
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BARBO, F.E. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Do aglyphous colubrid snake prey on live amphisbaenids able to bite? 2003. Phyllomedusa 2: 113-114.
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BRASILEIRO, C.A.; SAWAYA, R.J. & GIRALDELLI, G.. Physalaemus cuvieri (Barker Frog). Predation. 2003. Herpetological Review 34: 137-137.
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FRANCO, F.L.; FERREIRA, T.G.; MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. A new species of hood-displaying Thamnodynastes (Serpentes: Colubridae) from the Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. 2003. Zootaxa 334: 1-7.
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GOES, P.A.A.; CAVALCANTE, A.K.S.; ALMEIDA, M.A.; ZACARIOTTI, R.L.; HATAMOTO, L.K.; MANTOVANI, A.P.; NICHI, M. & BARNABE, V.H.. Utilização de técnicas de coloração para identificação da morfologia acrossomal em espermatozóides de emas (Rhea americana). 2003. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal 27: 386-387.
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HOYOS, M.A.; OTERO, R.; SALDARRIAGA, M. & JARAMILLO, N.. Divergencia Morfométrica entre Bothrops atrox y Bothrops asper (Serpentes: Viperidae). 2003. Actualidades Biológicas 25: 157-165.
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KASAHARA, S. & SILVA, A.P.Z.. Comparative cytogenetic analysis of four tree frogs species Anura, Hylidae Hylinae) from Brazil. 2003. Cytogenet Genome Res 103, 155-162.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. Bothrops jararacussu (jararacussu). Sexual dichromatism. 2003. Herpetological Review 34: 62-62.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. Ontogenetic colour changes may strengthen suggestion about systematic affinities between two species of Chironius (Serpentes: Colubridae). 2003. Phyllomedusa 2: 65-67.
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MARTINS, M.; SPINA, F.; MONTEIRO, C.; SAWAYA, R.J. & ARIEDI-JUNIOR, V.R.. Bothrops alternatus (Urutu). Predation. 2003. Herpetological Review 34: 147-148.
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MELO, A.S.; PEREIRA, R.A.S.; SANTOS, A.; SHEPHERD, G.; MACHADO, G.; MEDEIROS, H.F. & SAWAYA, R.J.. Comparing species richness among assemblages using sample units: Why not use extrapolation methods to standardize different sample sizes? 2003. Oikos 101: 398-410. (ERRATUM: Oikos 101: 398–410).
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NOGUEIRA, C.; SAWAYA, R.J. & MARTINS, M.. Ecology of Bothrops moojeni (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae) in the Brazilian Cerrado. 2003. Journal of Herpetology 37: 653-659.
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OLIVEIRA, J.L.; Borges M. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Gomesophis brasiliensis (NCN). Reproduction and diet. 2003. Herpetological Review 34: 251-252.
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PIZZATTO, L.. O fascinante mundo das serpentes. 2003. Ciência Hoje 197: 71-73.
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RÁDISBAPTISTA, G.; KUBO, T.; OGUIURA, N.; SVARTMAN, M.; ALMEIDA, T.M.; BATISTIC, R.F.; OLIVEIRA, E. B.; VIANNAMORGANTE, A. & YAMANE, T.. Structure and chromosomal localization of the gene for crotamine, a toxin from the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus terrificus. 2003. Toxicon 42: 747-752.
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SALOMAO, M.G.; ALBOLEA, A.B. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Colubrid Snakebite: A Public Health Problem in Brazil. 2003. Herpetological Review 34: 307-312.
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SAWAYA, R.J. & SAZIMA, I.. A new species of Tantilla (Serpentes: Colubridae) from southeastern Brazil. 2003. Herpetologica 59: 119-126.
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SAWAYA, R.J.; BRASILEIRO, C.A.; SPINA, F.; MONTEIRO, C. & LIMA, J.. Chironius flavolineatus (NCN). Predation. 2003. Herpetological Review 34: 371-372.
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SAWAYA, R.J.; ARIEDI-JUNIOR, V.R.; MONTEIRO, C. & SPINA, F.. Oxyrhopus rhombifer (False Coral Snake). Predation. 2003. Herpetological Review 34: 152-153.
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SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & KASAHARA, S.. Chromosome banding in Macrogenioglottus alipioi Carvalho, 1946 (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae), with comments on its taxonomic position. 2003. Boletim do Museu Nacional 499: 1-9.
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MARTINS, M.; MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. Ecological and Phylogenetics Correlates of Feeding Habits in Neotropical Pitvipers of the Genus Bothrops. In: G. Schuett; M. Höggren; H.W. Greene. (Org.). 2002. Biology of the vipers. Carmel: Biological Sciences Press. 1-22.
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ALBOLEA, A.B.P.; SALOMAO, M.G.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & JORDÃO, R.S.. Epidemiologia de acidentes causados por serpentes não peçonhentas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. 2002. Revista da Universidade de Guarulhos 5: 99-108.
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ALCERITO, T.; BARBO, F.E.; NEGRI, G.; MEDA, C.I.; YOUNG, M.C.M.; CHAVEZ, D. & BLATT, C.T.T.. Foliar epicuticular wax of Arrabidaea brachypoda: flavonoids and antifungal activity. 2002. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 30: 677-683.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & ORSI, A.M.. Ciclo Reprodutivo de Crotalus durissus e Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes, Viperidae): morfologia e função do oviduto. 2002. Revista Brasileira Reprodução Animal 26: 109-112.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Male-Male ritual combat in the colubridae snake Chironius bicarinatus from the Atlantic Forest, southeastern Brazil. 2002. Amphibia-Reptilia 23: 528-533.
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ANJOS, L.; KIEFER, M.C. & SAWAYA, R.J.. Kentropyx paulensis (NCN). Reproduction. 2002. Herpetological Review 33: 52-52.
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BARBO, F.E.; MEDA, C.I.; YOUNG, M.C.M.; CORDEIRO, I.; BLATT, C.T.T. & CHAVEZ, D.. Pentatronol from Alchornea sidifolia (Euphorbiaceae). 2002. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 30: 605-607.
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CARNEIRO, S.M.; ASSAKURA, M.T.; BARRENCE, F.A.; TRAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R.; CAMARGO, A.C.M. & SESSO, A.. Immunolocalization of venom metalloproteases in venom glands of adult and newborn snakes of Bothrops jararaca. 2002. Tissue & Cell 34: 381-389.
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HARTMANN, M.T. ; GRANDE, M.L. ; GODIM, M.J.C.; MENDES, M.C. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Reproduction and activity of the snail-eating snake, Dipsas albifrons (Colubridae), in the southern Atlantic Forest in Brazil. 2002. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 37: 111-114.
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KIEFER, M.C. & SAZIMA, I.. Diet of juvenile tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae (Teiidae), in southeastern Brazil. 2002. Amphibia-Reptilia 23: 105-108.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; MARTINS, M. & SAZIMA, I.. A new insular species of pitvipers from Brazil, with comments on evolutionary and conservation of the Bothrops jararaca group. 2002. Herpetologica 58: 303-312.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; MARTINS, M. & SAZIMA, I.. A jararaca da Ilha da Queimada Grande. 2002. Ciência Hoje 31: 56-59.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Natural history of the coral snake Micrurus decoratus (Elapidae) from the Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil, with coments on mimicry. 2002. Amphibia Reptilia 23: 228-232.
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PIZZATTO, L. & MADI, R.R.. Micrurus corallinus. Endoparasites. 2002. Herpetological Review 33: 215-215.
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PIZZATTO, L. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Reproductive Biology of the false coral snake Oxyrhopus guibei (Colubridae) in southeastern Brazil. 2002. Amphibia-Reptilia 23: 495-504.
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SAZIMA, I.; GADIG, O.B.F.; NAMORA, R.C. & MOTTA, F.S.. Plastic debris collars on juvenile carcharhinid sharks (Rhizoprionodon lalandii) in southwest Atlantic. 2002. Marine Pollution 44: 1149-1151.
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FERRAREZZI, H. & XAVIER-FREIRE, Elisa Maria . New species of Bothrops from northeastern Brazil (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae). 2001. Boletim do Museu Nacional 440: 01-10.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; ETEROVIC, A. & ENDO, W.. Seasonal activity of snakes in the Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. 2001. Amphibia Reptilia 20: 103-111.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Tail display of the false coral snake Simophis rhinostoma (Colubridae). 2001. Amphibia Reptilia 20: 127-129.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Sordellina punctata. Reproduction. 2001. Herpetological Review 32: 51-52.
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MARTINS, M.; ARAUJO, M.S.; SAWAYA, R.J. & NUNES, R.. Diversity and evolution of macrohabitat use, body size and morphology in a monophyletic group of Neotropical pitvipers (Bothrops). 2001. Journal of Zoology 254: 529-538.
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SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & KASAHARA, S.. SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & KASAHARA, S.. Cytogenetic analysis of Cycloramphus boraceiensis Heyer (Anura, Leptodactylidae). 2001. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 18(1): 111-115.
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RAVAGLIA-CARDOSO, S.R.; ROCHA, M.M.T. & PUORTO, G.. Elapomorphus quinquelineatus: reproduction. 2001. Herpetological Review 32: 262-263.
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ALBOLEA, A.B.; SALOMAO, M.G. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Why non-poisonous snakes cause accidents? 2000. Toxicon 38: 567-568.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; ANTONIAZZI, M.M.; SANTANA, O.A. & JARED, C.. Predation by the opossum Didelphis marsupialis on the Rattesnake Crotalus durissus. 2000. Currenty Herpetology 19: 1-9.
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RAUJO, C.O. & NAVAS, C.A.. The Use of Agar Models to Study Amphibian Thermal Ecology. 2000. Journal of Herpetology 34: 330-334.
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BERNARDE, P.S.; KOKUBUM, M.N. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Utilização de hábitat e atividade em Thamnodynastes strigatus (Günther, 1958), no sul do Brasil (Serpentes, Colubridae). 2000. Boletim do Museu Nacional 428: 1-8.
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DUARTE, M.R.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & CARDOSO, J.L.. An Attack on a human by a green anaconda (Eunectes murinus). 2000. Bull Chicago Herp. Soc. 35: 164-164.
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FAGUNDES, V.; SATO, Y.; SILVA, M.J.J.; RODRIGUES, F. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. A new species of Calomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) from Central Brazil identified by its karyotype. 2000. Hereditas 133: 195-200.
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HADDAD, C.F.B. & SAWAYA, R.J.. Reproductive Modes of Atlantic Forest Hylid Frogs: A General Overview and the Description of a New Mode. 2000. Biotropica 32: 862-871.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Uromacerina ricardinii. (Vine Snake). Predation and Prey. 2000. Herpetological Review 31: 180-181.
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PAGNOZZI, J.M.; SILVA, M.J.J. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Intraspecific variation in the distribution of the interstitial telomeric (TTAGGG)n sequences in Micoureus demerarae (Marsupialia: Didelphidae). 2000. Chromosome Research 8: 585-591.
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SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & KASAHARA, S.. Karyotypes and Nucleolar Organizer Regions in Four Species of the Genus Physalaemus Fitzinger, 1826 (Anura, Leptodactylidae). 2000. Iheringia. Série Zoologia 88: 159-164.
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SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & KASAHARA, S.. Chromosomal studies on five species of the genus Leptodactylus FITZINGER, 1826 (Amphibia-Anura), using differential staining. 2000. Cytobios 103: 25-38.
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SILVA, M.J.J.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Cytogenetics with systematic approach on a new Oryzomys species, of nitidus group (Sigmodontinae, Rodentia) from Northeastern Brazil. 2000. Caryologia 53: 219-226.
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SOUZA, F.L.; MARTINS, M. & SAWAYA, R.J.. A new record of and observations of vanderhaege's toad-headed turtle, Phrynops vanderhaegei (Testudines, Chelidae) in SE Brazil. 2000. Boletin de La Asociacion Herpetologica Española 11: 85-88.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & SALOMAO, M.G.. Reproductive Senescence of the Neotropical Rattlesnake Crotalus durissus cascavella ( Serpentes: Viperidae). 1999. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetology Society 34: 250-250.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; SALOMAO, M.G.; PENETI, E.A.; SENA, P.S. & GUIMARAES, E.S.. Predatory Combat and tail wrestling in hierarchical contests of the Neotropical Rattlesnakes Crotalus durissus terrificus (Serpentes: Viperidae). 1999. Amphibia-Reptilia 20: 88-96.
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GIARETTA, A.A.; FACURE, K.G.; SAWAYA, R.J.; MEYER, J. & CHEMIM, N.. Diversity and abundance of litter frogs of a montane forest in Southeastern Brazil: seazonal and altitudinal changes. 1999. Biotropica 31: 669-674.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Defensive behavior of the green snake Philodryas viridissimus (Linnaeus) (Colubridae, Reptilia) from the Atlantic forest in the northeastern Brazil. 1999. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 16: 265-266.
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RÁDISBAPTISTA, G.; OGUIURA, N.; HAYASHI, M.A.F. ; CAMARGO, M.E.; GREGO, K.F.; OLIVEIRA, E.B. & YAMANE, T.. Nucleotide sequence of crotamine isoform precursors from a single South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus). 1999. Toxicon, Grã-Bretanha 37: 973-984.
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SANTORO, M.L.; SOUSA SILVA, M.C.C.; GONCALVES, L.R.C.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; CARDOSO, D.F.; FERREIRA, I.L.; SAIKI, M.; PERES, C.A. & MARTINS, I.S.. Comparison of the biological activities in venons from three subspecies of the South American rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus terrificus, C. durissus cascavella and C. durissus collilineatus). 1999. Comparative Biochemistry and Phisiology 122: 61-73.
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SAWAYA, R.J.; VASCONCELOS, C.H.F. & NUNES, R.. Placosoma glabellum (NCN). 1999. Herpetological Review, EUA 30: 167-167.
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SILVA, M.J.J. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Autosomal and sex chromosomal polymorphism with multiple rearrangements and a new karyotype for the genus Rhipidomys (Sigmodontinae, Rodentia). 1999. Hereditas 131: 211-220.
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SILVA, A.P.Z.; HADDAD, C.F.B. & KASAHARA, S.. Nucleolus organizer regions in Physalaemus cuvieri (Anura, Leptodactylidae), with a evidence of a unique case of Ag-NOR variability. 1999. Hereditas 131: 135-141.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. ; SHIDMIT, F.L. & BALESTRIN, R.L.. Micrurus frontalis (Coral Snakes) Male Combat. 1998. Herpetological Review 29: 242-242.
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GIARETTA, A.A. & SAWAYA, R.J.. A second species of Psyllophryne (Anura - Brachycephalidae). 1998. Copeia 4: 985-987.
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JARED, C.; ANTONIAZZI, M.M. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Predation of Snakes by the young of opossum Didelphis marsupialis in captivity. 1998. The Snake 28: 68-70.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & PUORTO, G.. Feeding, reproduction and growth on the crowned snake Tantilla melanocephala (Colubridae), from southeastern Brazil. 1998. Amphibia Reptilia 19: 311-318.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & CAVALHEIRO, J.. Corallus cropanii. Habitat and Diet. 1998. Herpetological Review 29: 170-170.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Geographic Distribution. Philodryas viridissimus. 1998. Herpetological Review 29: 54-54.
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SILVA, M.J.J. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Heterogeneity and meiotic behaviour of B and sex chromosomes, banding patterns and localization of (TTAGGG)n sequences by FISH, in the Neotropical water rat Nectomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae). 1998. Chromosome Research 6: 445-462.
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SILVA, M.J.J. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. Karyotype and chromosomal polymorphism of an undescribed Akodon from Central Brazil, a species with the lowest diploid chromosome number in rodents. 1998. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 81: 46-59.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & SALOMAO, M.G.. Long Term Sperm storage in the Female Neotropical Rattlesnake rotalus durissus terrificus (Viperidae: Crotalidae). 1997. Japanese Journal of Herpetology 17: 46-52.
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FRANCO, F.L.; MARQUES, O.A.V. & PUORTO, G.. Two new species of colubrid snakes of the genus Clelia from Brazil. 1997. Journal of Herpetology 31: 483-490.
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FERREIRA, I.L.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.; SANTORO, M.L.; SAIKI, M.; VASCONCELOS, M.B.A.. Comparative Analyses of Inorganic Elements in Venons from Three Subspecies of Crotalus durissus from Brazil. 1997. Journal of Natural Toxins 6: 103-110.
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GIARETTA, A.A.; SAWAYA, R.J.; FACURE, K.G.; MACHADO, G.; ARAÚJO, M.S.; MEDEIROS, H.F. & NUNES, R.. Diversity and abundance of litter frogs at altitudinal sites at Serra do Japi, Southeastern Brazil. 1997. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 14: 341-346.
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JARED, C.; ANTONIAZZI, M.M. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Leposternon infraorbitale (Two-headed Snake) Reproduction. 1997. Herpetological Review 28: 44-45.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & SAZIMA, I.. Diet and feeding behavior of the coral snake, Micrurus corallinus, from the Atlantic forest of Brazil. 1997. Herpetological Natural History 5: 88-93.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & CALLEFFO, M.E.. Geographic Distribution. Pseustes sulphureus. 1997. Herpetological Review 28: 160-160.
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SILVA, M.J.J. & YONENAGA-YASSUDA, Y.. New karyotypes of two related species of Oligoryzomys genus (Cricetidae, Rodentia) involving centric fusion with loss of NORs and distribution telomeric (TTAGGG)n sequences. 1997. Hereditas 127: 217-229.
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ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & GERMANO, V.J.. Crotalus durissus (Neotropical Rattlesnakes) Prey. 1996. Herpetological Review 27: 255-255.
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BERTANI, R. & MARQUES, O.A.V.. Defensive in mygalomorph spiders: realising of urticating hairs. 1996. Zoolischer Anzeiger 234: 161-165.
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FERRAREZZI, H. & GIMENEZ, E.A.. Systematic patterns and the evolution of feeding habits in Chiroptera (Archonta:Mammalia). 1996. Journal of Comparative Biology 1: 75-94.
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GIMENEZ, E.A. & FERRAREZZI, H.. Lingual morphology and cladistic analysis of the new world nectar-feeding bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). 1996. Journal of Comparative Biology 1: 41-64.
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KASAHARA, S.; SILVA, A.P.Z. & HADDAD, C.F.B.. Chromosome banding in three species of Brazilian toads (Amphibia-Bufonidae). 1996. Brazilian Journal of Genetics 19: 237-242.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Reproduction, seasonal activity and growth of the Micrurus corallinus (Serpentes, Elapidae). 1996. Amphibia Reptilia 17: 277-285.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Geographic distribution. Imantodes cenchoa. 1996. Herpetological Review 27: 34-34.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Biologia reprodutiva da cobra-coral Erythrolamprus aesculapii (Colubridae). 1996. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 13: 747-753.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.. Sordellina punctata. Diet. 1996. Herpetological Review 27: 147-147.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & PUORTO, G.. Geographic Distribution. Chironius laevicollis. 1996. Herpetological Review 27:212-212.
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FERRAREZZI, H. & PINNA, M.C.C.. Enraizando árvores filogenéticas: ontogenia e grupo externo. 1995. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 67: 131-132.
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SALOMAO, M.G.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & PUORTO, G.. Activity Pattern of Crotalus durissus (Viperidae, Crotalinae): Feeding, Reproduction and Snakebite. 1995. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 30: 101-106.
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SAZIMA, I. & MANZANI, P.R.. As cobras que vivem numa reserva florestal urbana. In: MORELLATO, P. C. & LEITÃO-FILHO, H. F. .(Org.). 1995. Ecologia e preservação de uma floresta tropical urbana: Reserva de Santa Genebra. 78-82.
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FERRAREZZI, H.. Systematics and evolution of colubroid snakes. 1994. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 56: 17-17.
FERRAREZZI, H.. Uma Sinopse dos Gêneros e Classificação das Serpentes (Squamata): I. Scolecophidia e Alethinophidia não Colubrídeos. 1994. Herpetologia no Brasil 1: 69-80.
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FERRAREZZI, H.. Uma Sinopse dos Gêneros e Classificação das Serpentes (Squamata): II. Família Colubridae. 1994. Herpetologia no Brasil 1: 81-91.
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LANGLADA, F.G.; ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M. & FERREIRA, I.L.. Techniques of Artificial Insemination in Crotalus d. terrificus (Viperidae, Crotalinae). 1994. Braz. J.Vet.Res. Anim. Sci., São Paulo 31: 141-144.
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MARQUES, O.A.V.; PUORTO, G.. Dieta e comportamento alimentar de Erytholamprus aesculapii, uma serpente ofiófaga. 1994. Revista Basileira de Biologia 54: 253-259.
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TRAJANO, E. & FERRAREZZI, H.. A fossil bear from northeastern Brazil with a phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Tremarctinae (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae). 1994. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14: 552-561.
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FERRAREZZI, H.. Nota sobre o gênero Phalotris com a revisão do grupo nasutus e descrição de três novas especies Serpentes, Colubridae, Xenodontinae). 1993. Memorias do Instituto Butantan 55: 21-38.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & SOUZA, V.C.. Nota sobre a atividade alimentar de Liophis miliaris no ambiente marinho. 1993. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 53: 645-648.
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OGUIURA, N.; SPEHNER, D. & DRILLIEN, R.. Detection of a protein encoded by the vaccinia virus C7L open reading frame and study of its effect on virus multiplicationa in different cell lines. 1993. Journal of General Virology 74: 1409-1413.
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PUORTO, G. & FERRAREZZI, H.. Uma nova especie de Phalotris Cope, 1862, com comentarios sobre o grupo bilineatus (Serpentes, Colubridae, Xenodontinae). 1993. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 55: 39-46.
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SAZIMA, I. & PUORTO, G.. The feeding technique of juvenile Tropidodryas striaticeps: probable caudal luring in a colubrid snake. 1993. Copeia 1993: 222-226
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STRÜSSMANN, C. & SAZIMA, I.. The snake assemblage of the Pantanal at Poconé, western Brazil: faunal composition and ecological summary. 1993. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 28: 157-168.
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SAZIMA, I.. Natural history of the jararaca pitviper, Bothrops jararaca, in southeastern Brazil. In: J. A. Campbell; E. D. Brodie. (Org.). 1992. Biology of the pitvipers. Tyler, Texas, EUA: Selva. 199-216.
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MARQUES, O.A.V. & PUORTO, G.. Padrões cromáticos, distribuição e mimetismo de Erythrolamprus aesculapii (Serpentes, Colubridae). 1991. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 53: 127-134.
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SAZIMA, I.. Caudal luring in two neotropical pitvipers, Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops jararacussu. 1991. Copeia 1: 245-248
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SAZIMA, I. & di BERNARDO, M.. Albinismo em serpentes neotropicais. 1991. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 53: 167-173.
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SAZIMA, I. & ABE, A. S.. Habits of five Brazilian snakes with coral-snake pattern, including a summary of defensive tactics. 1991. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 26: 159-164.
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STRÜSSMANN, C. & SAZIMA, I.. Predation on avian eggs by the boid snake, Eunectes notaeus. 1991. Herpethological Review 22: 118-120.
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OLMOS, F. & SAZIMA, I.. A fishing tactic of floating Paraguayan cayman: the cross-posture. 1990. Copeia 3: 875-877.
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SAZIMA, I. & STRÜSSMANN, C.. Necrofagia em serpentes brasileiras: exemplos e previsões. 1990. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 50: 461-468.
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SAZIMA, I. & MARTINS, M.. Presas grandes e serpentes jovens: quando os olhos são maiores que a boca. 1990. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 52: 73-79.
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STRÜSSMANN, C. & SAZIMA, I.. Esquadrinhar com a cauda: uma tática de caça da serpente Hydrodynastes gigas no Pantanal, Mato Grosso. 1990. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 52: 57-61.
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BIASI, P.; CARDOSO JÚNIOR, R.P. & ALMEIDA-SANTOS, S.M.. Presença de Hepatozoon Plimeri em exemplar de Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes: Viperidae) mantido em cativeiro. 1989. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 51: 117-121.
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SAZIMA, I.. Comportamento alimentar da jararaca, Bothrops jararaca: encontros provocados na natureza. 1989. Ciência e Cultura 41: 500-505
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SAZIMA, I.. Feeding behavior of the snail-eating snake, Dipsas indica. 1989. Journal of Herpetology 23: 464-466.
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SAZIMA, I.. Um estudo de biologia comportamental de jararaca, Bothrops jararaca, com uso de marcas naturais. 1988. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 50: 83-99.
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SAZIMA, I. & GUIMARÃES, S.. Scavenging on human corpses as a source for stories about man-eating piranhas. 1987. Environmental Biology of Fishes 29: 75-77.
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